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Monday, February 14, 2011

And here we are again...

celebrating the day that out of the 365 that I can say I hate the absolute most.

Why is that you may ask? Well the answers will be forthcoming, but I will say that if I can just time travel or sleep the day and wake up on the 15th I would. And the only reason I won't build some weapon and annihilate February 14th from all calendars is because it's my mother's birthday. She already got her birthday gift from me. She never ask for a Valentine gift, and I know she understands and never bums out. Besides mom gets love and shown that every day of the year.

Valentines day, who really gives a damn about this day of fat naked angels flying around with arrows shooting at people with love arrows. In some states you can be sent to an asylum and be chemically lobotomized for this. Or at least imprisoned.

Let's face it and explain the symbolism of the biggest of the Hallmark Holidays, well with the exception of Christmas. The only winners in this economic bedlam are: florists, candy makers (oh yeah let's have people protest that Valentine food makes people fat and have them outlawed why don't we???) and jewelers. Better make sure your significant others better be able to tell their friends. They Went To Jared Jewelers.

It's kinda sad that most people go out of their way to put so much emphasis on one day, go broke trying to make this day perfect. But you hear the classic defense of many of the brainwashed Valentiners. "Oh if you love them you show this affection every way." Which is true, you should but. I challenge ANYONE to say that this one day these 24 hours, you have to pull out all the stops and make it better. And in many cases ensure you are around for ANOTHER year of them. Sadly, this is one of the holidays where more breakups occur. And you wonder why? The logic is simple. As you can tell, if you don't show how much you love them on this day and if the monetary amount is not suitable to what they feel love is worth on this evil occasion, be rest assured you will not be around much longer.

Which now sets up everything that I had to contend with. All the previously mentioned contents of the blog all tie up to my own hells I had to deal with over the years. I will spare you every notion but will give the worst of the lot. The names will not be mentioned because honestly, they not worth speaking but the events have to be told and don't worry I will keep it as short and painless as possible:

Bad Valentine #1
Spend almost a week getting everything perfect, make a reservation at a very nice restaurant. One that does not ask the question. "Would you like fries with that?" (hell should took her there if I knew the outcome)

One on particular Valentine’s day, (My first with a relationship too) I was trying to compose the perfect evening with my girlfriend at the time. So in my moment of trying to make it memorable, I got reservations for a restaurant, even got a dozen red roses with the white tips. (nice stuff there) and a tennis bracelet. Oh that was my fatal error. Never give bling bling for this day. It always ends ugly. Well, I already knew it was going be bad when she arrives 15 minutes late and this woman’s pet peeve is people being late. I give her the gifts, and I can see that she had launched into the “awws” and “oh you so sweet” gestures that seems almost mechanical in its sincerity. Well after she got all her presents and looking at the bracelet as if it was something I got from a Crack Jack box.
Eating dinner (which mercifully wasn’t as expensive as it could been) and close to the bill (I was paying for it so it wasn’t much a problem), she told me that she needed to talk to me about something. Not even thinking about it and being concerned, I said what’s wrong? Well without dragging this blog than needed, just insert any blah blah blah, this isn’t working, blah blah blah. I just think we need space. Blah blah blah hope we can be friends. Mostly, you know the rules. If she said she needs a change of pace, it usually means she got someone NEW and your services are not longer required. RIIIGHT!

Now you think that she would had some class and gave back the gifts or even go half on the date since she pretty much dropped me like yesterday’s garbage? HELL NO! Selfish folks giving back jewelry? You gave it to me when we were together, and anything given at the time stays with me. But at least she had enough decency to pay her half of dinner before she ran into the arms of her new man. Probably to this day she probably hocked that bracelet, little she know that it was little more than costume jewelry.

The second was about the same notion; fast forward a few years later. Different city, take a Valentine’s night at the local Olive Garden. Some Godiva Chocolate and 2 dozen white roses. (I think really that roses are the flowers of death) Have a date, nice conversation and then out the blue she says that, it’s over because I don’t think I can love you. Now you have to think of the shock, hell the couple next to us looked at her like WOW on this day you say this. Don’t know why or how it started but say we gotta end it. Dropped $40 bucks and walked out. No reason, no explanation (till a week later where she said she was in love with someone else…real nice!), and feeling like a total jackass. I just wonder ok roses and February 14th is just a cursed day for me. Least that one couple bought me a glass of wine for my trouble.

Now there many others, but I hate to drag it. But explains if I would just get a few more dollars in debt, they would stayed. I know it’s not a materialistic relationship where you have to shower someone supposedly special with everything to say I love you. But, you be a blind, naïve fool to think that a good gift of this amount or more.

So in the end, what is worth it of this day? How can one day be so vile in yourself that you wish you can avoid it at all cost? I even wrote to Congress to have it outlawed stating many valid reasons. But, sadly it was never considered. Like we need more holidays for anything. In the end, I just go on, try to find the best in the worst. Usually consisting of half priced candy on the 15th. YEAH!!!!!!

So screw the day...happy over-priced day of marketed love

1 comment:

  1. I just wrote something similar on my feelings on VDay. :) I feel your pain. Well... not the bling pain but.. ouch.. lol

    Come to think of it, I've never gotten bling for VDay... *shrugs* Maybe that's a good thing. LOL

    Happy Un-VDAY!




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