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Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Another day...another amount of bullshit...

So it seems that I would never think that things would be so bad. But, alas, NOOOO!!! Today has been a day from hell. It seem that I am working with hypocrites and in a place of pure hypocrisy.
Today we had one of those weekly "trust huddles"- something that I think it's more of a weekly meetings that seem to be everyone plays a game of "let's all jump on me day!" I along with the rest of the folks in my group (I do have a few choice words I can use, except for one who is new) decided discuss the works and the intents of the group. And as my supervisor said, have a come to Jesus meeting. Which I am pretty much saying it's all about me but want to keep it informal of everyone in the group. But, I do know that it's about me. Getting told off in some blah blah tirade about not being able to follow up with things, bitches complain about not doing something that I was going to do, now want to just drop everything to have their work done. Some asshole want to just trip about have pride in the work that we do. If you want to work and have a job to have a bit more pride in what we do. I'm like oooh who made you head of the propaganda department and cheernazi. And then had the audacity to say folks being on their phones doing posts on facebook and whatnot and I'm like you the fucking poster child of doing that shit, talking about your fucking dogs or looking at youtube talking about ooh how cute the animals are. I'm like pot meet kettle. I wanted to speak out soooo much but I didn't. I had to laugh when the supervisor was saying one person did 40 cases and if that is what going to happen why do we need to have what we have. I'm like well if one person wanna do 40 cases and burn out let her. I don't know the rest of what was said, I withdrawn myself into my mind to find some peace and quiet. I just could not pay attention of the shit. And for the rest of the day, I didn't speak to anyone unless needed to.

I do know that this is going to be ending soon, I don't know if they want me to quit or get fired. I have no idea. But, I just know they going to be have my wrath come out and I will quit and will have my say in the meantime. I been trying to keep my composure. I talk to my parents about all this and they saying to pray and just do what you can and if I need to quit, just quit. But, I don't want to do that unless it's necessary. I don't need to have the financial burdens being set as I look for a new job. Heaven help me that I can try to keep my sanity for real.

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