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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wise Words Falls Deaf Upon Ignorant

For a long time, I never really appreciated such a statement, really until recently. So many people in my life, acquaintances and friends seem to be falling into such a spiral of naivety. But what puzzles me is why is when you know the outcome of a situation that you know full well will not be beneficial or positive you still go through it knowing that it will be a disaster and end up holding the business end of a knife in the heart or a few dollars short in the bank account?

I sometimes wonder is it because we as humans must be so willing to break the binds of fate and win a victory for our self-determination. Or is it to overcome the chains of endless repeats? Most describe insanity as the process of doing things over and over hoping for a different outcome - but know that it will not. As 2 + 2 is 4, some things will not change. You can change the tactics of whatever, but due to our human make up, some things will not change, only the time of the occurrence. Yet, we still do it. Is some members of society truly insane. And what happens if by some happenstance, something miraculous occurs. It is a divine miracle, or do we come out like pure geniuses?

Somehow, it's rare, extremely rare that latter does happen. However, for so many, it is almost a crusade to do it. To change it for an outcome that is positive. But in the meantime, there is a serious amount of animosity in the mind of many people. And in the worse case, there is a amount of lashing out of those who try to warn or provide counsel to prevent such notions from happening - especially, those who already know it will come out as predicted.

Are we just suckers for the punishment of failure? Are we so determined to see the truth of logic in our own eyes, and not pay attention to those who may have already been in that situation and not accept the experience or even accept the perspective of others? Is our pride as a human so blinding that we chose to ignore things that is right in front of us or in our own mind? How do we close the door of ignorance and open the windows of wisdom? That is the question of many but sadly can not be so easily answered. So I throw this upon the panel. Are we ignorant and blind to reason?

Ponder upon this my friends.


p.s. to those who read this and is in the situation: open your mind to reason and listen to perspective.

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