I am the Hate that Hate Made,
I am the Rage that Rage Gave.
I am the Love that Love Forbade,
I am the Hope that Hope Slayed.
None do not care to know,
where the joys of ourselves go.
Love has died. Buried and gone,
we all are to blame for what went wrong.
We birthed the hate, loved by fear,
slayed our hope, our choice was clear.
The illusion of truth is all we see,
blind by our own hate - our reality.
We are all guilty of the sin,
the circle, the cycle starts, ends and starts again.
We all gave into this fate,
killed the hope and love with hate.
For I am the Hate that Hate Made.
We are the Hate that Hate Made.
This was something that I wrong a long time ago that I never let anyone read until now. Only because was something too dark and negative. Yet, from what I have seen the last few months, it stands of appropriate that it something that must, need to be shared.
I have stayed out of much of the political firestorms this nation has put itself in. Only for the reason that I learned that there are three topics that destroy friendship - families - our society.
1. Religion
2. Politics
3. Relationships
I have seen all this rip out our society and mostly because we have our differences, disagreements and core ideals. Yet, we cannot express them or even have any intelligent discussion on it without emotions being thrown in. Insults thrown, personal attacks hurled because we don't conform to one idea over another. We have devolved to a concept of Absolutes. "My way is the only way. Accept that, we can be friends. Refuse and we become enemies." And nothing is worse of these than Politics.
Politics is I believe the true reason why there is so much hate in the world. And in this country, we have volume of history of hate, written in blood, bound in book of pain, hurt, fear and ignorance.
Yet, the last decade, I don't think I ever seen such venom bleed out in our hearts. We are all guilty of this venomous hate. Even me! But, I have tried to avoid it because I know that no matter what can be said, people will never accept any opposite view. We believe the words of the 4th Estate as truth. Yet, we cannot do our own thinking, our own research and let others do it for us.
But in politics, we find the truest expressions of hate...and hypocrisy.
I know this will rub many people the wrong way, but if you can't look into the mirror and see the simple truth, then I can't help you.
When President Obama was in office, I have seen many people, many of my friends included throw so much hate and so much vileness about him that I have lost respect for many people, some I known for years. I usually just ignored it but there been a few times, that I could not hold my tongue and had to speak a few things. Some caused much more mess than solved but I was more disappointed than anything. Mostly because I have seen the true colors and their truest selves. You would think it was the end of the world for so many. Some say you must respect the office and the man in it. Yet many didn't, wouldn't couldn't and dared anyone to say anything. What's worse, is some of the pictures I have seen some of these people post. Yet, they claim it as freedom of speech and defend it as their 1st amendment right. Yes, you have that right, yet, you are not free from the consequence, Sadly I had one person post something like this:
Now I know that there been effigies done for Presidents for years, but not with this much fervor. And when confronted, they get defensive claiming it's their right to say this..don't like it...tough...unfriend me if you don't like it.
Not let us fast forward to now...We leave Mr. Obama who had been so polarizing and replace it with Mr. Trump. Who is just as polarizing. Now you have many people who one end of the spectrum revisit the same hated, the same vile, and the same effigies. And now, what do you see...the ones who only years ago do the same thing. claim that you need to and MUST respect the office and the man in it. Yet, where were those same people who did the same thing? Oh yeah...being blind in their own hypocrisy
Hello Pot...meet my friend Kettle...
What's worse is that you have so many who saw what Kathy Griffin do and ready to storm the gates and have her tarred and feathered., Now I don't condone what she did. It was huge lapse in judgement and a blatant display of utter stupidity. Yet. it's interesting that this...
so different from this...
If you can accept one and condemn the other. Regardless of where you stand...you are a hypocrite. I don't like that it has become so insane. I just feel it's pretty bad. But, what is worse...you hate to see people at such ends because of philosophies. And what's worse is some people say oooh what Kathy did was soooooo traumatic to the Don's Children..did she ever think of that...and yet, when some say what you think of what Obama's children would feel to see some image of their father being lynched. What makes one so different without the other? I challenge anyone to reply and tell me where one is better/worse than the other....
I'll wait.....
I see that we as a society have become the hate that hate has been spawned. Sadly, I feel that it's only going to get worse. I just wish that we could just sit down and have one come to Jesus meeting, iron out every difference and attempt to become a better place for all. Yet that is a dream if impossibility. But we are the hate that hate made...
We are all guilty of its conception...it is the mirror image of our own deep emotions and the image of our secret hearts. Help us all...
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