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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Finding Illumination in a Mind of Dark Ignorance.

"To wear a cloak of ignorance to protect themselves from the truth is like a seed planted in barren soil. Neither will grow in inhospitable places." - ME

"Doubt is the open gate through which slips the most fatal of enemies."

I would like to change the word doubt to Ignorance. The that one line would be very appropriate to what this entry is about. The last few days, I just been in a deep quagmire of thoughts about how some people 
can think so small and try to condemn an opinion with ignorance and call the speaker ignorant. 

Let me bring a bit of light to the situation and see if I was wrong for stating one simple opinion which can be easily verified.

I was reading a thread about a hot bed topic of racism and one individual stated as a white woman of color she can't see how know what racism is or what can be classified as racist. I have replied that of course you can because I have seen that whites can be targeted for racism just as easily as any other group. Some call it reverse-racism. Which is a stupid label. Racism is racism bottom line. I get straight blasted with a response saying that Whites have never been a subject of systematic oppression. I actually agreed and say no they have not offhand. Look for the word of today, kids....AGREED! I stated that one particular group of whites been oppressed, targeted of racism and just said with all respect just look it up. I never attacked anyone just responded in a respectful manner. I get straight attacked saying that one period does not compare to the centuries of oppression and that my ignorance is showing. Now, this is the funny part. I do agree it don't but I never said it was a comparison only an inclusion of whites to the whole mess. And some had to chime in saying that oh everyone always will throw in 1 example of a discrimination and say that is the whole accumulation. Got one there, that's it, thanks for playing. You can't mix apples with oranges. But, yet, that's exactly what it is. How can you justify that one was bad no matter how long the period of time that it occurred to the other. Both were bad; both were dark times in history and sadly it just want to be ignored like it didn't happen. (White Guilt maybe??)

The whole problem is that everyone in one way or another have been a victim of some racism. If you have not, then you are truly a blessed person. Or incredibly naive. Many have been through it more so than others. Yet, we strive to get past such idiocies. But, to sit there and say that one race can't clearly speak of racism because they never been through is the epitome of ignorance. 

To sum up the whole situation, I just left the whole conversation alone and I have thought to myself, was I wrong for stating that I, a person of color had to try to help bring to some simple illumination to one who isn't their own history; just to get attacked because they wish to ignore their own history. Oh wait we don't want to acknowledge their points of racism because blacks had hundreds of years to drawn upon instead of a few decades. See the foolishness here? Both are bad. This isn't a pissing contest of who had it bad worse? That was never my intent, or my purpose. Only to attempt to bring into context every race is targeted. Now am I going to say that whites never had a whole system of laws to keep themselves with progressing forward to be better citizens and a better society? Absolutely not. And what's worse of this compared affirmative action to Jim Crow. 

I'm going to let that one sink in for a moment....just take a few seconds 

Are you freaking kidding me?? How in the hell are those even remotely similar? That are as different as night and day. Now the only fair argument is that it does posses the similar quality of discrimination. That's it. But to even say they are in a in the complete realm is crazy.Jim Crow just gave an excuse for one society to alienate another society. Separate yet equal...(which is wasn't) Trust me, I have family that experienced it. Hell, I grew up in Mississippi and I can attest to this first hand, there places that STILL do this even today. Affirmative action only gives most people job opportunities that at many times, not based on their qualifications, but by gender, race etc. And mostly a employment quota system. Yes, it can be discriminatory no doubt, even systematic but not anywhere are oppressive. Whoever said that, please read a book on business ethics and get some remedial history classes. 

In closing, I just have to sit down and really think to myself, have we progressed anywhere with trying to become an enlightened society? With the tensions that have been brewing the last few months, I am sad to think that we will never be able to rise up from such base concepts. If people can just overlook such trivialities and think of the most positive attitudes, there will be no limit where our society will go or what achievements can be obtained. Call it wishful thinking from my part. I honestly don't know. 

"An ignorant mind is an imprisoned mind. Blessed are they whose mind is open and free. For the world of wisdom shall be there to have."

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