and this will probably cause me to lose a few of my minions and followers. Yet, I just have to say this, if you don't know that I am a person who just speaks my mind and reaction be damned, then, I must really say you must be new here.
Well I will preface my rant by saying that I am no in way, shape or form going to be politically correct. Yet, those who know me would be this something new. You never been correct about much. And well, maybe there some truth in it. SO! If you are looking for something socially sensitive and that noise, you may as well just click that box X on the right side and move along. You will not like it and it will make you madder than sin.
Now that I got the disclaimer out of the way. Here we go...
I for one, the Villain of the Webway, am about fed up with all this talk and nonsense about the damned Confederate flag and I really wish that people would just shut the hell up about it. I will say it for the following reasons.
1. The flag has no bearing of how I am living right now, nor does it affect me in any way. Because, unlike so many emotionally charged people let their feelings speak before their brains can even catch up, like to just spew out the true bovine fecal matter of what it inclines and blah blah blah....
Let me bring a little sunshine to this stormy place. There many African Americans who can agree that really you going to bring this up when there plenty of other things that is a bit more important than a piece of cloth with a tattered history to it? Sorry, let's get some priorities here. What happened in Charleston was a pure tragedy and an act of domestic TERRORISOM in every sense of the word. This guy wanted to trigger a race war and guess what....he is already winning by so many of the political warhounds, ignorant racebaiters, and social crusaders who now feel it's all due cause to remove the flag from the state buildings in South Carolina, and then some in my own home state of Mississippi. Reason being it is because it's a symbol of slavery and hate.
Here is a bit of irony here....I have seen many images of the KKK and their ilk waving the American flag just as much as they wave the Confederate flag. So are we going to say that Old Glory is a symbol of slavery and hatred too? I know many say it's just a part of Southern pride and heritage and not hate. That twisted individuals took something and created something diabolical and a horrid. The some who just feel that since South lost the American Civil War that the flag should been a symbol of treason and discarded outright. If that was the case, then why wasn't it done during the Reconstruction years? Wait, maybe because no one cared.
Some just look at the flag as a symbol of slavery. Well I hate to break it to many people but can you show me any ship that had the rebel flag on the mast as it brought slavers from Africa here? Go here I'll wait......didn't think so.
And speaking of slavery, people let's just make one thing absolutely clear and I will say this is simple as possible. Not all slave owners were white. Some of the first slave owners were black so let's not just put everyone white into one basket. And let's be even more clear about it. There were many white slaves are well as blacks. But do you hear any of them yelling through the rafters about it?
And those who think that the war between the states was purely about slavery...please go read. I have debated this with my teachers in high school and did my own research....before Wikipedia mind you. The war was NOT about slavery. It was about state rights. Slavery was only one of the most miniscule by-products of that. However, the North won, their recollection of events was the official record. Just goes to show the adage:
History is written by the victors, the truth is told by the survivors.
I have stooped down and debated this with many people of social media and yeah of course, I get called everything under the sun: to a sell-out to a Uncle Tom and one of those House Negros. Well hell as hot as it been around here, I don't mind being in an air conditioned house now. I usually laugh at them. Because their ignorance is their shield, their stupidity their salvation. And one had the pure gal to say I was probably one of those who never dealt with harsh realities of racism and have the Carlton Banks Syndrome. First off all...I grew up in Mississippi where many believe the Civil War has not ended. I have seen firsthand the reality of racism. I have seen Klansmen marching and spewing their rhetoric. I been called more derogatory names here and there. But you know what, I brush it off because I don't let what others say define who I am. The biggest weapon against folks like that is self-worth. I know who I am, what I am, where I came from and where I'm going. I brush it off because if that is the best you can say, then I already won the battle.
Shake them haters off....
I am thinking seriously that everything is going to be offensive to someone. Someone said we are becoming a sissified society and in a way....I am starting to agree with them. I mean if we are being offended by this and that; where will we draw the line? What is the limit? I mean we going to end up being just a social void where you can't say, act, or feel without pissing someone off.
I can care less bout a rebel flag, I think there more pressing issues our society need to be contending with. Yet, we are worried about this nonsense. We are already sitting on a powder keg and there a fuse that is lit and ready to explode and that one guys vision of social anarchy will come to pass. I just feel that one person's symbol is another's simple object. It's your own personal interruption that matters. I for one just see it's some cloth that has no meaning for me. I already just ignored many people who have nothing better to do than become social crusaders who I really wish would just shut the hell up. But the block button is such a godsend.
I could continue this rant, but I will stop because it's becoming more annoying the more I type. But, I will just say this...people wake up. Let's worry about more serious matters than a piece of fabric flying above buildings or on clothing.
And the rest who just keep asking my thoughts on is my answer...let it sink in...
Now...where is my tea?
Thursday, June 25, 2015
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Yer still my fav kneegro!