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Friday, December 7, 2012

I don't know how to title this...

and the reason is because I just really don't know how I can even approach this. In all honesty, this has been an entry that I didn't even know if I was going to even post publicly. But, I figured that I just had to go head and get it out of the way and be done with it.

I am one of the people on this planet who really do not like having dreams. Call me weird, which I know many of you do. The reason being, is that I don't have the normal dreams that the other 99.9999999% of humanity. Oh not I says me. Mine has to go way out of left field. Luckily, I usually am so used to them that it don't bother me. Others would probably have to make a change of address at some of our wonderful looney hotels with the presidential, padded suites. YAY!!

Now, I will ponder this to you - even just have one of those dreams that just so clear, so intensive, so out there that you will swear on a stack of bibles (or any other religious book necessary for this entry), that it was real and not any figment of your mind's ramblings.

For the sake of many who actually read this at work, I shall keep it work friendly as possible. As well I will try to keep this as brief as necessary, only cause who would really wanna read the whole version of said event. More-so, I don't need anyone stealing this and make it into some made for TV movie or something like that. Then again, who would wanna film this and who in the hell would want to play me??? Well here goes...

The who thing takes place around my birthday. I was at some nice restaurant with a few friends and I have a card that reads go to the main room. Which I don't even know what it is. So I walk towards the kitchen and it leads up being some hotel room. There is a card and a chair. The card read: Sit here. So I did, then the white lights become red. (Yes spare me the Red Light Special jokes now...thank you) And a song starts playing. I feel a hand my shoulder and it was a woman who I don't even know just appears beside me. And when I say she was looking good, would be an understatement of epic magnitude. I will forgo the description,but I will say on a scale of 1 to 10, she be about a 99.

I hear this one song played, I never heard it before. But just one of those songs you heart at one of those strip-clubs, that you get a lap dance to - and for the sake of dragging this on more than necessary, I pretty much got the same thing. One song, one strip tease, one lap dance - one mind blowing experience. Or would had been if I didn't force myself to wake up. I know. I know. Something that good, why in the hell would anyone wake up. Just trust me on this, it's best I did. Besides, I was sweating more than a nun at a brothel. Needless to say, that I was up for the rest of the day and that was like 4 something in the damned morning. So I decided to listen to internet radio and you would not believe what song just came up and played? Yes you guessed it. It was that strip-tease song. (SPOOOOOOOOOOOKY) Well, it just thrown me back cause I could help about that dream from that one person who I do not even know have such an effect on me.

I recalled this to a friend and she said maybe it's the person who suppose to come into your life that is for you. To be 100% honest with you all, I really hope not. Why you ask? Well anyone who can just have that affect, and have me probably act like a damned imbecile, don't think I need to be meeting her. Then again, I know this person does not exist. Thank the yard gnomes for this small miracle. Since that one time, I probably had that same dream 3 times but I wake up before I ever get to that room. Get behind me temptress!I know maybe somewhere on this big mudball called Earth, this particular woman is roaming around, I would like to avoid her like the plague.

I will admit, this entry was allot harder to write than I would imagine. Mostly because something like this is a bit waaaaay too personal and a bit embarrassing. And who really wants something like this out. But I figured, writing it can exorcize the demon or something. Well now it's done. Typos and all. Now, what are the chances this fictitious person just happens to live in Dallas and just pops up while I go grab my morning coffee? Any betters???

Oh anyone who want to actually know what song that was playing. Here you go... Warning this will bump your speakers.


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