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Friday, April 8, 2011

How far has one progressed...

just to thrown so far back. I read this article and honestly it really made me think and wonder.

With such progress that this nation has achieved within the last few years, and yes, we have, how can something like this just be so disturbing? And the consensus of many?
And what even makes this strike a nerve for me personally is that this is from my own home state.

First of all, yes I am from Mississippi. Been there almost my entire life and I am proud to say I am from there and always will be. Yet, I hear so many of the stereotypes thrown about this state: how backward it is, where they still think it's the Civil War and not progressed to the 21st century and that racism is still the language of the day. To make matters worse, I had people ask me do they still hang people there in 2011?

There is no need of retelling my state's dark and tragic history. Or even mention that yes, there still places there that you be best not to be around after sunset, but the question you must ask is why?

The answer is as simple as the sun is bright during the day: Ignorance, fear and honestly plan stupidity.

Really make something illegal just because two people who may love each other can't get married based on a skin color. Really??? And law makers who are elected by the citizenry want this. Remember most of our elected officials have the minds and interests of their constituents' views and values. So the ideas of many are of blindness. (We not talking racism - cause everyone has an inherit racism of one or another. As sad as it is, it's there and never will be clearly eradicated.) But just on something so obvious.

I ask anyone regardless of color, political affiliation or values this one question: if it doesn't apply to you directly to you: why is it such a big deal. You not the one who is in the relationship and it don't affect you personally. Why should you or do you care? Does it affect your personal, everyday life???

Where is it that it is written you have to be one color one race to have a relationship? Will it cause some apocalyptic event for one to marry outside their race? Get a grip! In this country, show me some family line that has not veered off their tree to play in another bush. For ALL those who claim they can, I can probably say look at those "secret" branches in the closet.

Wake up people. You don't have to like it, you don't even have to acknowledge it but at least don't run around and prohibit something that has no LEGAL precedent just because you don't like it.

And for my state, let's just come into the present. Let's not be the butt of so many jokes by the rest of the nation. Wake up and open your mind and be reasonable here. It's not hard to do.

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