Sunday, October 2, 2011
Can't rebuild bridges with burned wood
Over the last few months, I been contacted by two individuals that after weeks and even months of not hearing from them and requests of not contacting them (will explain the reasons shortly), they wished to pretend that nothing happened and it's business as usual. I had to sit down and ponder this. After about 30 and 3/4 seconds of thinking, I came to a decision of not even talking to them deleted the messages. Why you may ask? Is it wrong for me to just not reach out if someone clearly is trying to talk and re-start a friendship? The answer is emphatic - NO!! I am not wrong and clearly justified in it. Reasons you may ask, well let me ask this?? Why would some people attempt to just burn bridges in the first place? Why attempt to brush people off for some mundane reasons. Or most importantly - why after you ask people to not contact you because of insecure people you been with or cause of situations you were in that deep down were not good, yet turned you back on them over common sense?
Most would consider not trying to communicate with people who just walked out for dumb reasons as selfish - I don't think that it's the case. I just think that if many people who so little value over friendships and so quick to let it wither away like unattended flowers. I over the last few months have noticed how many people value friendships. And if many are so quick to burn them for various reasons. I just can not with clear conscience just allow anyone to walk back in with the possibility of history repeating itself?
Can't rebuild a bridge with burned wood. And even if you can, do you really feel you there will be enough trust? I seriously doubt it. Just don't want to feel a fool.
Already consider it for letting the effects get to me. But, their made their choice, and now they have to live with the decision. Does it hurt? Not anymore. I moved on - and so did they. I can not just let anyone waltz in after they tangoed out in the first place.
I can stand by my convictions with it. Friends don't just do what they done. And I'm over it....they can try to build another bridge somewhere else.
Just bring fresh wood for the fires later.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Changing my papge some
I just felt that I needed to change my page a bit. Give it a fresh coat of paint. However it still has the same engine of cynical horsepower and realist wheels. I never changing that. However, there some times I wish I can just change everything with a click of a button. Make things as simpler as a change here a tweak there and save.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
When in a moment of perfect clarity...
you can find the answers to some of your own, personal questions and observation that many seek out to find. As for me, on a very personal level, I obtain a sense of such enlightenment. I won't really divulge too much into what I have really discovered. Honestly, it's something very few can relate openly; even fewer to understand.
However, after reading several websites of information and the few essays and articles that I found very eye opening, it just truly, and quite sadly confirmed that if given in a perfect world, being in the minority of some things is not a mark of genuine individualism, yet a Mark of Cain that can lead to many social ridicule. And the second thing that to lie in a relationship to save face or spare a feeling of one is the worst thing you can do. No matter the consequences or fallout.
Now, knowing what I know, I have made several changes in my personal life. Some for the better - others for a necessity. But, in the end, I shall endure....I must...
However, after reading several websites of information and the few essays and articles that I found very eye opening, it just truly, and quite sadly confirmed that if given in a perfect world, being in the minority of some things is not a mark of genuine individualism, yet a Mark of Cain that can lead to many social ridicule. And the second thing that to lie in a relationship to save face or spare a feeling of one is the worst thing you can do. No matter the consequences or fallout.
Now, knowing what I know, I have made several changes in my personal life. Some for the better - others for a necessity. But, in the end, I shall endure....I must...
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Famous Proverbs - with my eternal wisdom
Well I been cruising many posts on various sites, and I just been reading soooooo many of those uplifting nuggets of joy and mirth and good cheer and let me stop before I hurl up last night's dinner. Well I have decided for my people....that I will have a few of the proverbs that I have found and give it my own cynical twist. For these are true wisdom for one and all. Open your mind younglings and absorb the way of the Villain...
1. A bad cause requires many words. Yes it's usually called politics.
2.A close friend can become a close enemy. Be wary of the Judas Kiss my friends...
3. A drowning man is not troubled by rain. Because he sees SHARKS!!!
4. A hungry man is an angry man. And damnit I want my big piece of chicken...who at my big piece of chicken!!!
5. A man is not honest simply because he never had a chance to steal. That is because he has not worked in any type of government, specially the US government.
6. A monkey never thinks her baby's ugly. But damn I know some of them are ugly...
7. A penny saved is a penny gained. And a penny gained is more money for taxes to take.
8. Love makes the time pass. Time makes love pass. Unless you are paying by the hour...
9. If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours forever. If it dosent, then it was never meant to be. And you wasted a whole lot of time and effort on foolish endeavor.
10. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Yet makes the roots of infidelity sprout easier.
So...there you go my friends...your first set of ten nuggets of wisdom....embrace the words and be enlightened. And rejoice for there shall be more of these in the coming week. Yay..
1. A bad cause requires many words. Yes it's usually called politics.
2.A close friend can become a close enemy. Be wary of the Judas Kiss my friends...
3. A drowning man is not troubled by rain. Because he sees SHARKS!!!
4. A hungry man is an angry man. And damnit I want my big piece of chicken...who at my big piece of chicken!!!
5. A man is not honest simply because he never had a chance to steal. That is because he has not worked in any type of government, specially the US government.
6. A monkey never thinks her baby's ugly. But damn I know some of them are ugly...
7. A penny saved is a penny gained. And a penny gained is more money for taxes to take.
8. Love makes the time pass. Time makes love pass. Unless you are paying by the hour...
9. If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours forever. If it dosent, then it was never meant to be. And you wasted a whole lot of time and effort on foolish endeavor.
10. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Yet makes the roots of infidelity sprout easier.
So...there you go my friends...your first set of ten nuggets of wisdom....embrace the words and be enlightened. And rejoice for there shall be more of these in the coming week. Yay..
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Time to piss off the masses...again...
Well I felt that all this stuff with the trial of the century (and it's only a decade or so into it), that I will throw my 2.44 cents into this mess with this Casey Anthony Trail and the insane commentaries to go along with it.
Before we go farther, let me give you my sponsor and a disclaimer:
This is MY opinion, my views and if you going to go all insane and looney, need not real farther. And now my sponsor..

Thank you, my friends.
Now, first of all, I am not going to talk bout whether this person is guilty or innocent. That has been administered in a court of law. However, some of the fear-mongers and media-Nazis seem to just stir up so much public-opinion that they wish to use their social influence to gain some type of winning verdict and when they do not get that what they SO desperately want, go into a firestorm short of outright revolution.
First of all, unless I have left this country, we live in a country where all citizen are given a right to a fair trial but a jury of their peers; with a right of due process. And for those who do not know their U.S. government, that would be the 6th and 14th amendments respectively. However, there many people who would rather have a justice system where we are innocent til proven guilty would be guilty until proven innocent. Or just flat out say guilty without any sense of trial.
And the media-Nazi of HLN or I like to call it the House of Ludicrous News with their high priestess of fear-mongering propaganda Nancy Grace and the minister of over-reacting knee jerking blood-letting Jane Velez-Mitchell spent weeks just throwing their condemnations upon us saying: Oh she guilty! The jury will see it and my personal favorite: Justice will be done.
Verdict comes and in the words of Emeril:
Not Guilty. And what happens. OOOOOH! You would think that Pearl Harbor is bombed again and we are going to war.
The jury has said nope, the state did not prove beyond...REASONABLE DOUBT! She was guilty. And now justice was not done, she won't fry or what and now what happens. The media cults are saying oh the jury were not informed, they jury are fools, they don't know what they are doing. They have not been able to hear the public opinions of millions of people and the media....yadda yadda yadda...
Well there is a reason why they jury were sequestered and not given access to any media outlet. Because, the judge wanted to ensure a fair trial and not be persuaded by media brainwashing.
The burden of proof is always with the state to prove their point, and honestly, they dropped the ball. If there is no justice, it was the justice that the state did not put a case that was solid enough to convict. That is the miscarriage of justice. If it was not done beyond any doubt, well you would not be having this firestorm as we are. Ever consider that? Nope.
And now you hear about all the jurors receiving death threats. Judge being insulted and the likes and many of the folks on the Communist News Network (CNN) and the Hardcore Lunacy Network (HLN) are almost set to entice a riot. She goes back to jail for 1 week...7 days and all that time what you see on those channels. Oh a countdown and those quotes saying, "Tonight, the devil is dancing." Nope, the devil is trying to get this damn heat back to hell.
Many people are saying those networks went way overboard with this coverage and almost made it into a crusade and a personal vendetta to insult the justice system saying because they did not get what they want that the court system is bad, flawed and whatnot.
Look, justice is blind, and impartial. It does not have an agenda and can not be lead an ear to fear and social insanity. I think this is almost an reincarnation of McCarthyism all over again. And if you don't think for one second that now that this woman is out that there is not a few people who are going to want to have mob justice and brandish their own vigilante justice, think again. And you don't think that those folks like Nancy Grace and Jane Velez-Mitchell can speak a few choice words and not set a few people onto a course of bloody retribution? History has proven that has happened many times over. And of course they will never mention or speak of it because they will be held libel for it. But, noone will ever say they wouldn't cry wink if a lynch mob offs her and the jury on top of that. Mark my words, I give it a year and someone is going to do it. And call it justice. But then again, justice is nothing more than socialized revenge anyway.
And the big hypocrisy is everyone speaking bloody murder about how she shouldn't profit from anything with interviews or books or whatever. People yelling they will boycott any and everything if she makes a dime from this. But HELLO!! You think the networks are not making a killing from sponsors and commercials. Isn't that bloodmoney. Oh is that just the corporate monopoly that makes a profit from the media-terrorism they portray on a daily basis. Who is the hypocrite?
As stated, I can care less whether she is guilty or not. I am not the one to judge or condemn. That is to higher authority to do that. But in the court of man, she was acquitted. So all this justice was not done is nothing more than a cry for a do-over. Many were even screaming for re-trial. Sorry there can't be any of that because it violates the law in double jeopardy. And there is people even want to appeal the 7th amendment just to retry her. Now, I don't know where these idiots ever get this stupid notion. First of all, you will never and I mean NEVER have both houses of Congress to pass this bill. And no the President does not sign any Constitutional Amendments so before the Obama-bashers start yacking. The bill goes to the States for ratification: either by state assembly or by general election. And you will not get 3/4 of the states or 38 states for the mathematically challenged to ratify it within a specified time frame.
Ain't going to hap'n cap'n!
So in closing, I can speak for many Americans who is about fed up with all this constant reporting let's face nagging from the media. Ok she got off, she walked, let's move on people! Let's talk about the next media controversy. Or let's talk about how we need some rain in parts of the country. Or more importantly, how some people need to get a serious HAIRDO!!! Just saying.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Before we go farther, let me give you my sponsor and a disclaimer:
This is MY opinion, my views and if you going to go all insane and looney, need not real farther. And now my sponsor..
Thank you, my friends.
Now, first of all, I am not going to talk bout whether this person is guilty or innocent. That has been administered in a court of law. However, some of the fear-mongers and media-Nazis seem to just stir up so much public-opinion that they wish to use their social influence to gain some type of winning verdict and when they do not get that what they SO desperately want, go into a firestorm short of outright revolution.
First of all, unless I have left this country, we live in a country where all citizen are given a right to a fair trial but a jury of their peers; with a right of due process. And for those who do not know their U.S. government, that would be the 6th and 14th amendments respectively. However, there many people who would rather have a justice system where we are innocent til proven guilty would be guilty until proven innocent. Or just flat out say guilty without any sense of trial.
And the media-Nazi of HLN or I like to call it the House of Ludicrous News with their high priestess of fear-mongering propaganda Nancy Grace and the minister of over-reacting knee jerking blood-letting Jane Velez-Mitchell spent weeks just throwing their condemnations upon us saying: Oh she guilty! The jury will see it and my personal favorite: Justice will be done.
Verdict comes and in the words of Emeril:
Not Guilty. And what happens. OOOOOH! You would think that Pearl Harbor is bombed again and we are going to war.
The jury has said nope, the state did not prove beyond...REASONABLE DOUBT! She was guilty. And now justice was not done, she won't fry or what and now what happens. The media cults are saying oh the jury were not informed, they jury are fools, they don't know what they are doing. They have not been able to hear the public opinions of millions of people and the media....yadda yadda yadda...
Well there is a reason why they jury were sequestered and not given access to any media outlet. Because, the judge wanted to ensure a fair trial and not be persuaded by media brainwashing.
The burden of proof is always with the state to prove their point, and honestly, they dropped the ball. If there is no justice, it was the justice that the state did not put a case that was solid enough to convict. That is the miscarriage of justice. If it was not done beyond any doubt, well you would not be having this firestorm as we are. Ever consider that? Nope.
And now you hear about all the jurors receiving death threats. Judge being insulted and the likes and many of the folks on the Communist News Network (CNN) and the Hardcore Lunacy Network (HLN) are almost set to entice a riot. She goes back to jail for 1 week...7 days and all that time what you see on those channels. Oh a countdown and those quotes saying, "Tonight, the devil is dancing." Nope, the devil is trying to get this damn heat back to hell.
Many people are saying those networks went way overboard with this coverage and almost made it into a crusade and a personal vendetta to insult the justice system saying because they did not get what they want that the court system is bad, flawed and whatnot.
Look, justice is blind, and impartial. It does not have an agenda and can not be lead an ear to fear and social insanity. I think this is almost an reincarnation of McCarthyism all over again. And if you don't think for one second that now that this woman is out that there is not a few people who are going to want to have mob justice and brandish their own vigilante justice, think again. And you don't think that those folks like Nancy Grace and Jane Velez-Mitchell can speak a few choice words and not set a few people onto a course of bloody retribution? History has proven that has happened many times over. And of course they will never mention or speak of it because they will be held libel for it. But, noone will ever say they wouldn't cry wink if a lynch mob offs her and the jury on top of that. Mark my words, I give it a year and someone is going to do it. And call it justice. But then again, justice is nothing more than socialized revenge anyway.
And the big hypocrisy is everyone speaking bloody murder about how she shouldn't profit from anything with interviews or books or whatever. People yelling they will boycott any and everything if she makes a dime from this. But HELLO!! You think the networks are not making a killing from sponsors and commercials. Isn't that bloodmoney. Oh is that just the corporate monopoly that makes a profit from the media-terrorism they portray on a daily basis. Who is the hypocrite?
As stated, I can care less whether she is guilty or not. I am not the one to judge or condemn. That is to higher authority to do that. But in the court of man, she was acquitted. So all this justice was not done is nothing more than a cry for a do-over. Many were even screaming for re-trial. Sorry there can't be any of that because it violates the law in double jeopardy. And there is people even want to appeal the 7th amendment just to retry her. Now, I don't know where these idiots ever get this stupid notion. First of all, you will never and I mean NEVER have both houses of Congress to pass this bill. And no the President does not sign any Constitutional Amendments so before the Obama-bashers start yacking. The bill goes to the States for ratification: either by state assembly or by general election. And you will not get 3/4 of the states or 38 states for the mathematically challenged to ratify it within a specified time frame.
Ain't going to hap'n cap'n!
So in closing, I can speak for many Americans who is about fed up with all this constant reporting let's face nagging from the media. Ok she got off, she walked, let's move on people! Let's talk about the next media controversy. Or let's talk about how we need some rain in parts of the country. Or more importantly, how some people need to get a serious HAIRDO!!! Just saying.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
I'm such a your women, men...
I just had to throw this out and say it. But, I just want to know how is it that when I have my female friends get into relationships (which now days seems to be the new thing to do), how is it that the male significant other always and I do mean ALWAYS seem to have such an issue with me. Most just get this idea to hunker down the relationship defenses and man the boyfriend cannons. The Vandals are heading for the gates and pillaging the hearts of your loves.
The whole thing is almost laughable but, I had dealt with all this ever since high school. A few men who have such a special fear out of me and for what?? Hell I wish I knew. I am not just some guy who have such a suave style to come up and snatch your woman. Hell I wish I had that ability. I'll be popping a few famous chicks and porn stars if I had that power. I just find it funny cause I lost friendships with some folks for the exact reason. Cause I'm a friend who just have such a down-to-earth heart and a good ear. I guess that makes me a threat or is it that cause these insecure men feel that if one has a penis, they are a threat. Well listen up morons, if you do right by your woman and keep her happy, she won't stray. Ever thought of that? The again, I known that a few women like a man that's jealous minded and stuff; because they like to know a man is jealous minded cause it shows their women they care. I never bought that outlandish bullshit before; I always believed you do what you do to keep ya woman happy nothing or noone would asunder the relationship. But, I guess that the notion is true. A person is only as faithful as the options available.
I do find it kind of sad that many friendships are lost cause of the jealous minded significant other has to lay down edicts saying: Nope you can't be friends with so and so for the one fact that they are the same gender as the "so-called" offender. I just find it hilarious if I had a few points to laugh at.
Nevertheless, let me leave a few points of advice for those insecure folks from BOTH genders: just cause you have fears don't make them a self-fulfilled prophecy by being a total jack-wagon. and number two...have faith in the relationship. UUUGH
The whole thing is almost laughable but, I had dealt with all this ever since high school. A few men who have such a special fear out of me and for what?? Hell I wish I knew. I am not just some guy who have such a suave style to come up and snatch your woman. Hell I wish I had that ability. I'll be popping a few famous chicks and porn stars if I had that power. I just find it funny cause I lost friendships with some folks for the exact reason. Cause I'm a friend who just have such a down-to-earth heart and a good ear. I guess that makes me a threat or is it that cause these insecure men feel that if one has a penis, they are a threat. Well listen up morons, if you do right by your woman and keep her happy, she won't stray. Ever thought of that? The again, I known that a few women like a man that's jealous minded and stuff; because they like to know a man is jealous minded cause it shows their women they care. I never bought that outlandish bullshit before; I always believed you do what you do to keep ya woman happy nothing or noone would asunder the relationship. But, I guess that the notion is true. A person is only as faithful as the options available.
I do find it kind of sad that many friendships are lost cause of the jealous minded significant other has to lay down edicts saying: Nope you can't be friends with so and so for the one fact that they are the same gender as the "so-called" offender. I just find it hilarious if I had a few points to laugh at.
Nevertheless, let me leave a few points of advice for those insecure folks from BOTH genders: just cause you have fears don't make them a self-fulfilled prophecy by being a total jack-wagon. and number two...have faith in the relationship. UUUGH
Thursday, July 7, 2011
just an update...
well for those who were wondering how things are, well this is the update. I got settled in at my temporary home. It's been a challenge for the most part - trying to decide where to put the essentials into a place that's about as small as a bedroom. However, it's been done.
Also, got registered for unemployment. Not that I want to do it but gotta survive til I get another gig . But, getting things all set up and registered is like trying to unscrew a virgin. Emotionally, I just been drained and physically just been exhausted. Not much on my mind but trying to survive this ordeal. If I didn't have any hair on my head, I would probably pull what I had in frustration. However, I will endure this as I have other things. Just really makes even a saint want to scream out a few potty words.
I know that things happen for a reason, but to be all honest, I don't know what the hell this is happening for or the lesson to learn from this. Well I know the one lesson that I always known. And this is some cynical wisdom for you all. "You are always a dollar away from being broke and a paycheck away from unemployment." Trust me folks that is real talk here.
In all this, I really been keeping to myself with all this. I honestly don't know why but honestly there isn't much anyone can say that I haven't heard already. Or not doing what many would suggest. So I'm sorry now if I just have not come to anyone with all this or my feelings. It's not personal. Just doubt there something to be done.
Alas now, I'm just catching on a few TV shows while on the grind to something new. Just a bit frustrating. Just now, need to get my mind off things and find some distraction....
Also, got registered for unemployment. Not that I want to do it but gotta survive til I get another gig . But, getting things all set up and registered is like trying to unscrew a virgin. Emotionally, I just been drained and physically just been exhausted. Not much on my mind but trying to survive this ordeal. If I didn't have any hair on my head, I would probably pull what I had in frustration. However, I will endure this as I have other things. Just really makes even a saint want to scream out a few potty words.
I know that things happen for a reason, but to be all honest, I don't know what the hell this is happening for or the lesson to learn from this. Well I know the one lesson that I always known. And this is some cynical wisdom for you all. "You are always a dollar away from being broke and a paycheck away from unemployment." Trust me folks that is real talk here.
In all this, I really been keeping to myself with all this. I honestly don't know why but honestly there isn't much anyone can say that I haven't heard already. Or not doing what many would suggest. So I'm sorry now if I just have not come to anyone with all this or my feelings. It's not personal. Just doubt there something to be done.
Alas now, I'm just catching on a few TV shows while on the grind to something new. Just a bit frustrating. Just now, need to get my mind off things and find some distraction....
Monday, June 27, 2011
Another Craptastic Monday
Well this has been a pretty craptastic day. I been dreading Monday all weekend. And when you try to dread things, the faster the time comes to your doorstep. This morning I get called into a meeting with about 90% of the department that I work with and get the news that I pretty much expected or foreseen. That I will pretty much be laid off come Friday. Yeah, how much a way to come into a place where there is enough tension you can cut it with a toothpick to hear what you did not want to hear (Or pretty much expect).
I can’t get into the specifics but I will say that some companies are stupid asses and I have little or no respect for any company that is so damn willing to outsource to foreign countries just to save a penny or 3. And then have the notion and nerve to say “American Made” gimme a few firebombs. But I know this is a nation for, of, and about the corporation. To hell with the people. The national language is not English or Spanish but Cashola. But, I wonder how can one company, who deals with workman’s comp can handle some type of business and handle cases in the Philippines for things in the states. First of all, you got to consider the HUGE time difference. So they going to be working at night to cover the day time business. I sure as hell ain’t going to be put my medical faith in nurses who are half-sleep. And let’s hope and PRAY they can actually talk English with some type of fluency. Some of the doctors I had interaction with can hardly understand or communicate with the natives without going insane. I sure as all hell don’t see how they going to be “convincing”. I wouldn’t drink the water; I don’t think I can trust the nurse.
Alas, now will be off work Friday, and I already been running my mind and instincts into “survival mode”. Must do what it takes to make it till something else comes along. But, I always believed that you a paycheck away from unemployment and a dollar away from broke. Seems those words have never been more true. Anyone needed some real talk there is some for you.
I can’t be mad at the employer for what’s going on. Nor would I say anything bad about them. If anything, just think there need to be a harder hustle to get more business. But, other than that, I can’t fault them for this. And I couldn’t have work with a better group of people. And honestly, I had the best bosses in the world and my heart goes out to them. Because, I know that this is not something to be done lightly or wanted to do. It’s the nature of business and survival – so I can understand that and they at least told us ahead of time what’s up and what will happen. Most companies would just throw this bomb on you when you least expect it and put all your days into a firestorm of crapola and anarchy. Yet, they kept it real and told us early. For that, I have the biggest amount of respect. And I know deep down this was a hard decision and I know that the needs of the company outweigh just any individual or group. I don't envy you or your task a bit. And thank you for being open, honest and human. I know it's not always about the profit and bottom line and having a heart and a sense of decency and integrity is more important. You all kick ass for that. *Some companies take note of this.....* Ass munch!
SO, now just have to take care of a few business matters in terms of my benefits and update the resume. That is always going to be a barrel of monkeys. Finding a job in the Metroplex that is worth it is about as finding a virgin in a brothel. Maybe I can bounce back up from this, if the ball don’t have tooo big a puncture wound. The hustle struggle shall continue but this does suck a big one.
I’m trying to find the silver lining in this hellish cloud – especially when there is lightning striking all over. And kind of sucks cause for the first time in ages, you find a place where you actually enjoy coming to work at. But, maybe there is hope there will be an upswing and the band can get back together. However, hope is something that I keep in very low supply and those who know my views about hope. But the one thing from all this is that I can actually SLEEP in some for a while. Now just need to win this damned lottery.
I can’t get into the specifics but I will say that some companies are stupid asses and I have little or no respect for any company that is so damn willing to outsource to foreign countries just to save a penny or 3. And then have the notion and nerve to say “American Made” gimme a few firebombs. But I know this is a nation for, of, and about the corporation. To hell with the people. The national language is not English or Spanish but Cashola. But, I wonder how can one company, who deals with workman’s comp can handle some type of business and handle cases in the Philippines for things in the states. First of all, you got to consider the HUGE time difference. So they going to be working at night to cover the day time business. I sure as hell ain’t going to be put my medical faith in nurses who are half-sleep. And let’s hope and PRAY they can actually talk English with some type of fluency. Some of the doctors I had interaction with can hardly understand or communicate with the natives without going insane. I sure as all hell don’t see how they going to be “convincing”. I wouldn’t drink the water; I don’t think I can trust the nurse.
Alas, now will be off work Friday, and I already been running my mind and instincts into “survival mode”. Must do what it takes to make it till something else comes along. But, I always believed that you a paycheck away from unemployment and a dollar away from broke. Seems those words have never been more true. Anyone needed some real talk there is some for you.
I can’t be mad at the employer for what’s going on. Nor would I say anything bad about them. If anything, just think there need to be a harder hustle to get more business. But, other than that, I can’t fault them for this. And I couldn’t have work with a better group of people. And honestly, I had the best bosses in the world and my heart goes out to them. Because, I know that this is not something to be done lightly or wanted to do. It’s the nature of business and survival – so I can understand that and they at least told us ahead of time what’s up and what will happen. Most companies would just throw this bomb on you when you least expect it and put all your days into a firestorm of crapola and anarchy. Yet, they kept it real and told us early. For that, I have the biggest amount of respect. And I know deep down this was a hard decision and I know that the needs of the company outweigh just any individual or group. I don't envy you or your task a bit. And thank you for being open, honest and human. I know it's not always about the profit and bottom line and having a heart and a sense of decency and integrity is more important. You all kick ass for that. *Some companies take note of this.....* Ass munch!
SO, now just have to take care of a few business matters in terms of my benefits and update the resume. That is always going to be a barrel of monkeys. Finding a job in the Metroplex that is worth it is about as finding a virgin in a brothel. Maybe I can bounce back up from this, if the ball don’t have tooo big a puncture wound. The hustle struggle shall continue but this does suck a big one.
I’m trying to find the silver lining in this hellish cloud – especially when there is lightning striking all over. And kind of sucks cause for the first time in ages, you find a place where you actually enjoy coming to work at. But, maybe there is hope there will be an upswing and the band can get back together. However, hope is something that I keep in very low supply and those who know my views about hope. But the one thing from all this is that I can actually SLEEP in some for a while. Now just need to win this damned lottery.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
was considering...
I was considering posting a few of my of my stories that I written abouts here and there and figured if anyone wanted to read it feel free to...but I don't know just yet still wondering. who wants story time????
Saturday, May 7, 2011
If you trust in a bridge of friendship...
make sure that it's not built out of cooked spaghetti. It will not hold much of anything. And will tear on the slightest strain. Over the last few months, I am beginning to see that many of those so-called friendships I had were not built on the strong foundations of bricks, more like play-dough. And not even the good kind, that stuff you have to add water to it to even make it work.
The worst thing about all these is the empty promises most give, I'm sure most of you all heard them. Any sound familiar?
No we will always be friends. Nothing can come between that.
If you need an ear, I'm willing to listen.
Whatever happens - you got me on your side.
As I wrote in another blog, friends forever has a very short shelf-life. Like fish, it goes bad after 3 days. Now, I'm seeing the truth of it more. How can so many people "claim" to be so real about themselves, promise to always be around regardless of whats up with them. (work, relationships,distance, etc.)Yet, when you hear from them (if you do at all) it's short, clipped, even forced.) Well far be it from me to make you actually WANT to carry on such a mundane endeavor or to waste your precious minutes out of your busy, exciting life.
I think that the worst part of all this is just how most people can be so nonchalant about severing whatever you had on a whim. And for many times the most asinine of reasons. I will spare the words simply cause I know about 99.33% of you heard them on numerous occasions. No need to beat a dead horse worse than your friendships right? Just out the blue cease contact with you. No reason (oh wait they don't need to give you one - their choice they didn't need to. Oh I forgot) No email, call, text, mob messenger. Not even the common courtesy to say fuck you...goodbye. Oh yeah what was I thinking, they didn't care right. They just put a block on you, delete you from everything you had contact with, and what have you. And these are suppose to be your friends? Wow! And they do this to preserve something more grandiose right?
There is an old proverb that says: The truest wealth is in a man is measured by the friends he has. Well, then I'm going broke faster than Charlie Sheen at a hooker convention. Sure don't feel like winning on this one. It's an EPIC FAIL.
But, in the aftermath of all this, I guess I did learn something. Forever is not permanent. (give it less then 2 years maybe) Insecurities is the coin of stupidity and irrational thought. Loyalty goes as far as convenience will allow it. And if your friends are in relationships. Chances are you better start looking on Craig's list for new friends. Or by a dog. This does not apply to all but it does to a huge majority. And now I'm seeing the numbers rising higher than the national debt.
I will end this rant with this. Real friends hard to find - I learned that much and to those who are that. This does not pertain to you. And know you are appreciated beyond words. And those who can relate and understand this - know that your voice is heard. But those who are guitly. A perfect anagram can describe what a friend is:
Think about that before using that phrase again...
The worst thing about all these is the empty promises most give, I'm sure most of you all heard them. Any sound familiar?
No we will always be friends. Nothing can come between that.
If you need an ear, I'm willing to listen.
Whatever happens - you got me on your side.
As I wrote in another blog, friends forever has a very short shelf-life. Like fish, it goes bad after 3 days. Now, I'm seeing the truth of it more. How can so many people "claim" to be so real about themselves, promise to always be around regardless of whats up with them. (work, relationships,distance, etc.)Yet, when you hear from them (if you do at all) it's short, clipped, even forced.) Well far be it from me to make you actually WANT to carry on such a mundane endeavor or to waste your precious minutes out of your busy, exciting life.
I think that the worst part of all this is just how most people can be so nonchalant about severing whatever you had on a whim. And for many times the most asinine of reasons. I will spare the words simply cause I know about 99.33% of you heard them on numerous occasions. No need to beat a dead horse worse than your friendships right? Just out the blue cease contact with you. No reason (oh wait they don't need to give you one - their choice they didn't need to. Oh I forgot) No email, call, text, mob messenger. Not even the common courtesy to say fuck you...goodbye. Oh yeah what was I thinking, they didn't care right. They just put a block on you, delete you from everything you had contact with, and what have you. And these are suppose to be your friends? Wow! And they do this to preserve something more grandiose right?
There is an old proverb that says: The truest wealth is in a man is measured by the friends he has. Well, then I'm going broke faster than Charlie Sheen at a hooker convention. Sure don't feel like winning on this one. It's an EPIC FAIL.
But, in the aftermath of all this, I guess I did learn something. Forever is not permanent. (give it less then 2 years maybe) Insecurities is the coin of stupidity and irrational thought. Loyalty goes as far as convenience will allow it. And if your friends are in relationships. Chances are you better start looking on Craig's list for new friends. Or by a dog. This does not apply to all but it does to a huge majority. And now I'm seeing the numbers rising higher than the national debt.
I will end this rant with this. Real friends hard to find - I learned that much and to those who are that. This does not pertain to you. And know you are appreciated beyond words. And those who can relate and understand this - know that your voice is heard. But those who are guitly. A perfect anagram can describe what a friend is:
Think about that before using that phrase again...
Friday, April 8, 2011
How far has one progressed...
just to thrown so far back. I read this article and honestly it really made me think and wonder.
With such progress that this nation has achieved within the last few years, and yes, we have, how can something like this just be so disturbing? And the consensus of many?
And what even makes this strike a nerve for me personally is that this is from my own home state.
First of all, yes I am from Mississippi. Been there almost my entire life and I am proud to say I am from there and always will be. Yet, I hear so many of the stereotypes thrown about this state: how backward it is, where they still think it's the Civil War and not progressed to the 21st century and that racism is still the language of the day. To make matters worse, I had people ask me do they still hang people there in 2011?
There is no need of retelling my state's dark and tragic history. Or even mention that yes, there still places there that you be best not to be around after sunset, but the question you must ask is why?
The answer is as simple as the sun is bright during the day: Ignorance, fear and honestly plan stupidity.
Really make something illegal just because two people who may love each other can't get married based on a skin color. Really??? And law makers who are elected by the citizenry want this. Remember most of our elected officials have the minds and interests of their constituents' views and values. So the ideas of many are of blindness. (We not talking racism - cause everyone has an inherit racism of one or another. As sad as it is, it's there and never will be clearly eradicated.) But just on something so obvious.
I ask anyone regardless of color, political affiliation or values this one question: if it doesn't apply to you directly to you: why is it such a big deal. You not the one who is in the relationship and it don't affect you personally. Why should you or do you care? Does it affect your personal, everyday life???
Where is it that it is written you have to be one color one race to have a relationship? Will it cause some apocalyptic event for one to marry outside their race? Get a grip! In this country, show me some family line that has not veered off their tree to play in another bush. For ALL those who claim they can, I can probably say look at those "secret" branches in the closet.
Wake up people. You don't have to like it, you don't even have to acknowledge it but at least don't run around and prohibit something that has no LEGAL precedent just because you don't like it.
And for my state, let's just come into the present. Let's not be the butt of so many jokes by the rest of the nation. Wake up and open your mind and be reasonable here. It's not hard to do.
With such progress that this nation has achieved within the last few years, and yes, we have, how can something like this just be so disturbing? And the consensus of many?
And what even makes this strike a nerve for me personally is that this is from my own home state.
First of all, yes I am from Mississippi. Been there almost my entire life and I am proud to say I am from there and always will be. Yet, I hear so many of the stereotypes thrown about this state: how backward it is, where they still think it's the Civil War and not progressed to the 21st century and that racism is still the language of the day. To make matters worse, I had people ask me do they still hang people there in 2011?
There is no need of retelling my state's dark and tragic history. Or even mention that yes, there still places there that you be best not to be around after sunset, but the question you must ask is why?
The answer is as simple as the sun is bright during the day: Ignorance, fear and honestly plan stupidity.
Really make something illegal just because two people who may love each other can't get married based on a skin color. Really??? And law makers who are elected by the citizenry want this. Remember most of our elected officials have the minds and interests of their constituents' views and values. So the ideas of many are of blindness. (We not talking racism - cause everyone has an inherit racism of one or another. As sad as it is, it's there and never will be clearly eradicated.) But just on something so obvious.
I ask anyone regardless of color, political affiliation or values this one question: if it doesn't apply to you directly to you: why is it such a big deal. You not the one who is in the relationship and it don't affect you personally. Why should you or do you care? Does it affect your personal, everyday life???
Where is it that it is written you have to be one color one race to have a relationship? Will it cause some apocalyptic event for one to marry outside their race? Get a grip! In this country, show me some family line that has not veered off their tree to play in another bush. For ALL those who claim they can, I can probably say look at those "secret" branches in the closet.
Wake up people. You don't have to like it, you don't even have to acknowledge it but at least don't run around and prohibit something that has no LEGAL precedent just because you don't like it.
And for my state, let's just come into the present. Let's not be the butt of so many jokes by the rest of the nation. Wake up and open your mind and be reasonable here. It's not hard to do.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Now the winter is over...
it is time for the season of rebirth. The time of renewal and the likes. But, I learned, the more things change, the more it stays the same. Just pushed ahead months later. Trees will start to bloom, the pollen will come out to make me sneeze half my brains. People will go out starting to reproduce enmasse...blah blah blah.
And most importantly, I'll still be here. Still pondering many things that go through my messed up mind.
Someone asked me once what can possibly go through my head that makes me who I am and all? I had to sit down and really think that for a moment. Not because that question was not a valid one. It certainly is one of the more important ones. Thing is that most of it is difficult to really explain. Half the times, I can't even fish out half the thoughts out of myself. The rest of the time, trying to express it in a way that can be understood - without making those feel like they got dunce caps on their heads.
Also think that the biggest thing out of it all is that it is hard for many to understand it until they lived it, experienced it or just been caught in it. I can't say I never understand childbirth. Simply cause that would be a medical miracle and a mystery for the ages. Just as most probably can't figure out the notions of myself cause to be able to handle it. Maybe some can - have the capacity to cope with it. Others may be crushed from the burden.
And the outlets are not as reassuring that is true. How can many ever tell their feelings or thoughts if our peers rarely been in them or have think their way of coping is for then? But the worst is feeling ridiculed or judged. No one wishes for that and sadly, it happens moreso than not. Not in the ways you expect, but the subtle, nondescript ways in reaction, body language and tone. One can be condescending and dismissive and pretend to be the most concerning, passionate people. How nice of them right?
Fake friends are your realest enemies. Unfortunately, there isn't a person that don't have them. I just be careful with what I say and express myself carefully. I wonder how many others have to walk on such eggshells?
And most importantly, I'll still be here. Still pondering many things that go through my messed up mind.
Someone asked me once what can possibly go through my head that makes me who I am and all? I had to sit down and really think that for a moment. Not because that question was not a valid one. It certainly is one of the more important ones. Thing is that most of it is difficult to really explain. Half the times, I can't even fish out half the thoughts out of myself. The rest of the time, trying to express it in a way that can be understood - without making those feel like they got dunce caps on their heads.
Also think that the biggest thing out of it all is that it is hard for many to understand it until they lived it, experienced it or just been caught in it. I can't say I never understand childbirth. Simply cause that would be a medical miracle and a mystery for the ages. Just as most probably can't figure out the notions of myself cause to be able to handle it. Maybe some can - have the capacity to cope with it. Others may be crushed from the burden.
And the outlets are not as reassuring that is true. How can many ever tell their feelings or thoughts if our peers rarely been in them or have think their way of coping is for then? But the worst is feeling ridiculed or judged. No one wishes for that and sadly, it happens moreso than not. Not in the ways you expect, but the subtle, nondescript ways in reaction, body language and tone. One can be condescending and dismissive and pretend to be the most concerning, passionate people. How nice of them right?
Fake friends are your realest enemies. Unfortunately, there isn't a person that don't have them. I just be careful with what I say and express myself carefully. I wonder how many others have to walk on such eggshells?
Monday, February 14, 2011
And here we are again...
celebrating the day that out of the 365 that I can say I hate the absolute most.
Why is that you may ask? Well the answers will be forthcoming, but I will say that if I can just time travel or sleep the day and wake up on the 15th I would. And the only reason I won't build some weapon and annihilate February 14th from all calendars is because it's my mother's birthday. She already got her birthday gift from me. She never ask for a Valentine gift, and I know she understands and never bums out. Besides mom gets love and shown that every day of the year.
Valentines day, who really gives a damn about this day of fat naked angels flying around with arrows shooting at people with love arrows. In some states you can be sent to an asylum and be chemically lobotomized for this. Or at least imprisoned.
Let's face it and explain the symbolism of the biggest of the Hallmark Holidays, well with the exception of Christmas. The only winners in this economic bedlam are: florists, candy makers (oh yeah let's have people protest that Valentine food makes people fat and have them outlawed why don't we???) and jewelers. Better make sure your significant others better be able to tell their friends. They Went To Jared Jewelers.
It's kinda sad that most people go out of their way to put so much emphasis on one day, go broke trying to make this day perfect. But you hear the classic defense of many of the brainwashed Valentiners. "Oh if you love them you show this affection every way." Which is true, you should but. I challenge ANYONE to say that this one day these 24 hours, you have to pull out all the stops and make it better. And in many cases ensure you are around for ANOTHER year of them. Sadly, this is one of the holidays where more breakups occur. And you wonder why? The logic is simple. As you can tell, if you don't show how much you love them on this day and if the monetary amount is not suitable to what they feel love is worth on this evil occasion, be rest assured you will not be around much longer.
Which now sets up everything that I had to contend with. All the previously mentioned contents of the blog all tie up to my own hells I had to deal with over the years. I will spare you every notion but will give the worst of the lot. The names will not be mentioned because honestly, they not worth speaking but the events have to be told and don't worry I will keep it as short and painless as possible:
Bad Valentine #1
Spend almost a week getting everything perfect, make a reservation at a very nice restaurant. One that does not ask the question. "Would you like fries with that?" (hell should took her there if I knew the outcome)
One on particular Valentine’s day, (My first with a relationship too) I was trying to compose the perfect evening with my girlfriend at the time. So in my moment of trying to make it memorable, I got reservations for a restaurant, even got a dozen red roses with the white tips. (nice stuff there) and a tennis bracelet. Oh that was my fatal error. Never give bling bling for this day. It always ends ugly. Well, I already knew it was going be bad when she arrives 15 minutes late and this woman’s pet peeve is people being late. I give her the gifts, and I can see that she had launched into the “awws” and “oh you so sweet” gestures that seems almost mechanical in its sincerity. Well after she got all her presents and looking at the bracelet as if it was something I got from a Crack Jack box.
Eating dinner (which mercifully wasn’t as expensive as it could been) and close to the bill (I was paying for it so it wasn’t much a problem), she told me that she needed to talk to me about something. Not even thinking about it and being concerned, I said what’s wrong? Well without dragging this blog than needed, just insert any blah blah blah, this isn’t working, blah blah blah. I just think we need space. Blah blah blah hope we can be friends. Mostly, you know the rules. If she said she needs a change of pace, it usually means she got someone NEW and your services are not longer required. RIIIGHT!
Now you think that she would had some class and gave back the gifts or even go half on the date since she pretty much dropped me like yesterday’s garbage? HELL NO! Selfish folks giving back jewelry? You gave it to me when we were together, and anything given at the time stays with me. But at least she had enough decency to pay her half of dinner before she ran into the arms of her new man. Probably to this day she probably hocked that bracelet, little she know that it was little more than costume jewelry.
The second was about the same notion; fast forward a few years later. Different city, take a Valentine’s night at the local Olive Garden. Some Godiva Chocolate and 2 dozen white roses. (I think really that roses are the flowers of death) Have a date, nice conversation and then out the blue she says that, it’s over because I don’t think I can love you. Now you have to think of the shock, hell the couple next to us looked at her like WOW on this day you say this. Don’t know why or how it started but say we gotta end it. Dropped $40 bucks and walked out. No reason, no explanation (till a week later where she said she was in love with someone else…real nice!), and feeling like a total jackass. I just wonder ok roses and February 14th is just a cursed day for me. Least that one couple bought me a glass of wine for my trouble.
Now there many others, but I hate to drag it. But explains if I would just get a few more dollars in debt, they would stayed. I know it’s not a materialistic relationship where you have to shower someone supposedly special with everything to say I love you. But, you be a blind, naïve fool to think that a good gift of this amount or more.
So in the end, what is worth it of this day? How can one day be so vile in yourself that you wish you can avoid it at all cost? I even wrote to Congress to have it outlawed stating many valid reasons. But, sadly it was never considered. Like we need more holidays for anything. In the end, I just go on, try to find the best in the worst. Usually consisting of half priced candy on the 15th. YEAH!!!!!!
So screw the day...happy over-priced day of marketed love
Why is that you may ask? Well the answers will be forthcoming, but I will say that if I can just time travel or sleep the day and wake up on the 15th I would. And the only reason I won't build some weapon and annihilate February 14th from all calendars is because it's my mother's birthday. She already got her birthday gift from me. She never ask for a Valentine gift, and I know she understands and never bums out. Besides mom gets love and shown that every day of the year.
Valentines day, who really gives a damn about this day of fat naked angels flying around with arrows shooting at people with love arrows. In some states you can be sent to an asylum and be chemically lobotomized for this. Or at least imprisoned.
Let's face it and explain the symbolism of the biggest of the Hallmark Holidays, well with the exception of Christmas. The only winners in this economic bedlam are: florists, candy makers (oh yeah let's have people protest that Valentine food makes people fat and have them outlawed why don't we???) and jewelers. Better make sure your significant others better be able to tell their friends. They Went To Jared Jewelers.
It's kinda sad that most people go out of their way to put so much emphasis on one day, go broke trying to make this day perfect. But you hear the classic defense of many of the brainwashed Valentiners. "Oh if you love them you show this affection every way." Which is true, you should but. I challenge ANYONE to say that this one day these 24 hours, you have to pull out all the stops and make it better. And in many cases ensure you are around for ANOTHER year of them. Sadly, this is one of the holidays where more breakups occur. And you wonder why? The logic is simple. As you can tell, if you don't show how much you love them on this day and if the monetary amount is not suitable to what they feel love is worth on this evil occasion, be rest assured you will not be around much longer.
Which now sets up everything that I had to contend with. All the previously mentioned contents of the blog all tie up to my own hells I had to deal with over the years. I will spare you every notion but will give the worst of the lot. The names will not be mentioned because honestly, they not worth speaking but the events have to be told and don't worry I will keep it as short and painless as possible:
Bad Valentine #1
Spend almost a week getting everything perfect, make a reservation at a very nice restaurant. One that does not ask the question. "Would you like fries with that?" (hell should took her there if I knew the outcome)
One on particular Valentine’s day, (My first with a relationship too) I was trying to compose the perfect evening with my girlfriend at the time. So in my moment of trying to make it memorable, I got reservations for a restaurant, even got a dozen red roses with the white tips. (nice stuff there) and a tennis bracelet. Oh that was my fatal error. Never give bling bling for this day. It always ends ugly. Well, I already knew it was going be bad when she arrives 15 minutes late and this woman’s pet peeve is people being late. I give her the gifts, and I can see that she had launched into the “awws” and “oh you so sweet” gestures that seems almost mechanical in its sincerity. Well after she got all her presents and looking at the bracelet as if it was something I got from a Crack Jack box.
Eating dinner (which mercifully wasn’t as expensive as it could been) and close to the bill (I was paying for it so it wasn’t much a problem), she told me that she needed to talk to me about something. Not even thinking about it and being concerned, I said what’s wrong? Well without dragging this blog than needed, just insert any blah blah blah, this isn’t working, blah blah blah. I just think we need space. Blah blah blah hope we can be friends. Mostly, you know the rules. If she said she needs a change of pace, it usually means she got someone NEW and your services are not longer required. RIIIGHT!
Now you think that she would had some class and gave back the gifts or even go half on the date since she pretty much dropped me like yesterday’s garbage? HELL NO! Selfish folks giving back jewelry? You gave it to me when we were together, and anything given at the time stays with me. But at least she had enough decency to pay her half of dinner before she ran into the arms of her new man. Probably to this day she probably hocked that bracelet, little she know that it was little more than costume jewelry.
The second was about the same notion; fast forward a few years later. Different city, take a Valentine’s night at the local Olive Garden. Some Godiva Chocolate and 2 dozen white roses. (I think really that roses are the flowers of death) Have a date, nice conversation and then out the blue she says that, it’s over because I don’t think I can love you. Now you have to think of the shock, hell the couple next to us looked at her like WOW on this day you say this. Don’t know why or how it started but say we gotta end it. Dropped $40 bucks and walked out. No reason, no explanation (till a week later where she said she was in love with someone else…real nice!), and feeling like a total jackass. I just wonder ok roses and February 14th is just a cursed day for me. Least that one couple bought me a glass of wine for my trouble.
Now there many others, but I hate to drag it. But explains if I would just get a few more dollars in debt, they would stayed. I know it’s not a materialistic relationship where you have to shower someone supposedly special with everything to say I love you. But, you be a blind, naïve fool to think that a good gift of this amount or more.
So in the end, what is worth it of this day? How can one day be so vile in yourself that you wish you can avoid it at all cost? I even wrote to Congress to have it outlawed stating many valid reasons. But, sadly it was never considered. Like we need more holidays for anything. In the end, I just go on, try to find the best in the worst. Usually consisting of half priced candy on the 15th. YEAH!!!!!!
So screw the day...happy over-priced day of marketed love
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Oh yeah it's almost that time of year
that I so love and soooo loathe....been working on this very special entry for a while and hope to have it done by the vilest of days. oh happy day!!!!
(I wonder if the sarcasm is evident)
(I wonder if the sarcasm is evident)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
I want to be happy for you but..I just can't...
As humans, we have a pre-natural sense of envy towards others. Some take it towards a higher degree and can be labeled as haters or just jealous. But, I think that in most cases, this is unjustly given. While there are some that are just genetically going to chastise others for the pure sense of loathing, there are others who just are not expressive of good mirth towards our fellow man.
Sometimes the hardest thing one can do is express joy for others during times when it’s needed. Sure most can fake a smile or even give a false sense of encouragement for the sake of argument; however is that usually the correct way in showing support? Isn’t it as important as being sincere with what you say as well as being kind to it? Sure you hear that adage “If you have nothing nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.” I think that there should be a footnote added to this proverb. “If you don’t have any sincerity in what you say then don’t say it either.
I know most only try to use kind words of encouragement out of necessity to spare one’s feelings. But, I think that it’s hard to be festive when deep down, you have no joyous times in yourself to share in one’s good fortune. How hard is it to be happy for others when in yourself, you are not happy. Regardless of the reasons behind it.
Sure you can be just happy for them in some sense of a milestone achievement in their lives and they felt that they are only wishing to allow others to partake in it. More so, some who have been down on their luck or in some personal rut, most would only consider this as unwittingly kick while they are down. As some personal gloating in your face of their success or happiness. Many would not even consider this or even think of it as such; however, in many other’s mind this is the case. Then the questions of bitterness arise, or the green eyed monster of jealous rears its head.
Yes, there are many who frown when you up and smile when you down. But, where does this resentment come from? What is the core basis of this? The answer may not be as concrete as most would assume. Circumstances can be as diverse as snowflake patterns. However, most of it I theorize it the timing of these good news of cheer. Timing is the basis of most things – even if it is unwillingly so. You can have a friend come up and tell you they are not engaged to be wed or something to that effect; yet you are having bitter feelings of you and your significant other breaking up. Kind of hard to be happy when you can’t be happy in your own world right? Or how about the announcement of a new car or home you purchased or something else and you fighting everything to maintain yours from being repossessed or foreclosed. Or have them done recently. I doubt you can give two damns about hearing about or even put on a front for them.
The how hard is it for someone to be happy for one who achieved some personal goal or dream, yet you struggle to maintain some sense of purpose and feel less than good cause you have not even made one inch of progress towards yours. This is not for the lack of effort or trying. It is too easy and somewhat dangerous to always assume that if you can dream it you can achieve it. That is not always the case, or as simple. You always heard the old adage, “Hard work pays off in the long run.” While that is true to an extent, that is not the end all – be all of it. Hard work is only a part of it. Hard work, opportunity and let’s face it competition are the cornerstones of success. Dreams are good to have but sometimes the cold foot of reality can kick your dreams away. Hard works feeds your determination, ambitions can in some ways create an opportunity (however the price of such ambitions can be as dangerous as anything) and the threats of others who have the same dreams can be detrimental. Never assume that you are not the only one in this world who have the same dreams and desires as you do. Are you willing to have a killer instinct to destroy others ambitions to satisfy yours? Very few are as ruthless. But when you have a limited time to achieve your goals, sadly this must be needed. However to what end?
What profits the man if he losses his soul? Answer happiness. As cold and twister as it is. They achieve what others have.
But that is another blog for another time. However, you can see the over gist of it. Can most relate to something like this? More the question is would most even acknowledge such weakness in our own minds. So before you throw out the “hater” word or jealous card, consider this and ask yourself in their place. One person’s happiness is another’s misery. Food for thought.
Sometimes the hardest thing one can do is express joy for others during times when it’s needed. Sure most can fake a smile or even give a false sense of encouragement for the sake of argument; however is that usually the correct way in showing support? Isn’t it as important as being sincere with what you say as well as being kind to it? Sure you hear that adage “If you have nothing nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.” I think that there should be a footnote added to this proverb. “If you don’t have any sincerity in what you say then don’t say it either.
I know most only try to use kind words of encouragement out of necessity to spare one’s feelings. But, I think that it’s hard to be festive when deep down, you have no joyous times in yourself to share in one’s good fortune. How hard is it to be happy for others when in yourself, you are not happy. Regardless of the reasons behind it.
Sure you can be just happy for them in some sense of a milestone achievement in their lives and they felt that they are only wishing to allow others to partake in it. More so, some who have been down on their luck or in some personal rut, most would only consider this as unwittingly kick while they are down. As some personal gloating in your face of their success or happiness. Many would not even consider this or even think of it as such; however, in many other’s mind this is the case. Then the questions of bitterness arise, or the green eyed monster of jealous rears its head.
Yes, there are many who frown when you up and smile when you down. But, where does this resentment come from? What is the core basis of this? The answer may not be as concrete as most would assume. Circumstances can be as diverse as snowflake patterns. However, most of it I theorize it the timing of these good news of cheer. Timing is the basis of most things – even if it is unwillingly so. You can have a friend come up and tell you they are not engaged to be wed or something to that effect; yet you are having bitter feelings of you and your significant other breaking up. Kind of hard to be happy when you can’t be happy in your own world right? Or how about the announcement of a new car or home you purchased or something else and you fighting everything to maintain yours from being repossessed or foreclosed. Or have them done recently. I doubt you can give two damns about hearing about or even put on a front for them.
The how hard is it for someone to be happy for one who achieved some personal goal or dream, yet you struggle to maintain some sense of purpose and feel less than good cause you have not even made one inch of progress towards yours. This is not for the lack of effort or trying. It is too easy and somewhat dangerous to always assume that if you can dream it you can achieve it. That is not always the case, or as simple. You always heard the old adage, “Hard work pays off in the long run.” While that is true to an extent, that is not the end all – be all of it. Hard work is only a part of it. Hard work, opportunity and let’s face it competition are the cornerstones of success. Dreams are good to have but sometimes the cold foot of reality can kick your dreams away. Hard works feeds your determination, ambitions can in some ways create an opportunity (however the price of such ambitions can be as dangerous as anything) and the threats of others who have the same dreams can be detrimental. Never assume that you are not the only one in this world who have the same dreams and desires as you do. Are you willing to have a killer instinct to destroy others ambitions to satisfy yours? Very few are as ruthless. But when you have a limited time to achieve your goals, sadly this must be needed. However to what end?
What profits the man if he losses his soul? Answer happiness. As cold and twister as it is. They achieve what others have.
But that is another blog for another time. However, you can see the over gist of it. Can most relate to something like this? More the question is would most even acknowledge such weakness in our own minds. So before you throw out the “hater” word or jealous card, consider this and ask yourself in their place. One person’s happiness is another’s misery. Food for thought.
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