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Monday, February 15, 2010

What a fucked up day..

actually it's been a combination of a few days. Starting with Friday. I was thinking that I would have a snow day with work since I had assumed that since the schools were out so would we. The night before I asked my boss what we were doing since things were planned to be closed. Well she wanted to find out if the building was open and I asked for her to call me if it is so I can come in. Well since I didn't hear from her to see the building open. I didn't go in. But found out that office was open even though it was not suppose to. Already a bad start - I could have went in anyway with the skeleton crew that was there. No sense in trying to deal with that I went home and started my weekend...

fast forward to today. I come in, and had a mountain of emails (lucky I didn't have to process them all) but there were a few from the HR manager and my floor supervisor. I replied to the most obvious question why wasn't I there. And I explained it all and things seemed ok.

The fast forward about an hour later and I get a mail from my boss who happens to be the vice president of the company. Well I get this long, drawn out chewing about why I wasn't there and a misunderstanding about why I didn't show up. I explained everything. And she did say that I won't get paid or have my PTO. And I really thought that I was going to lose my job...which I still think I may. Only reason I haven't was cause the one person who could done my job is off for the next two days. And we are having audits and shit going on so I think by that grace alone I may have a job. But that's just fucked in the ass man.

And then the mail I had to sort out and get ready. Almost 1200 letters. WHAT THE FUCK MAN!!! I had to work through lunch to get it all done. And still only had 10 minutes to spare.

Now I am getting off work and I can't wait til Friday so I don't worry bout my job. Or losing it for that matter. Now I know why Mondays suck ass as they do. And I wanna take this sorry ass band from freecreditreport commercials and beat the holy hell out of them. I mean really if you can't fix your credit doing what you doing, slang some crack. I mean really though.

Anyhoot...I'm calling it a day. I need some sleep and back onto the grind stone tomorrow. Til then...


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