Now that the dust has settled upon this election and the celebrations are going on, I am reflecting on several things. I was looking at the exit polls and well, honestly seeing that Blacks pretty much were in lockstep in trying to save this nation from what's coming. Granted there were a few stragglers and honestly, it does not shock me. They just need to be identified and banned from every family function, cookout, spades tournament and domino game. It's clearly like Kendrick Lamar said, they Not Like Us and totally suffer from Uncle Russ Syndrome. And for those others who contributed to voting blue. It is appreciated. So please understand what I'm about to say does not apply to you.
But what we gonna do right now is just let those who wanted this country have it. We are done trying. I know I am. If you want this Christian Nationalism Project 2025 Nonsense. Just wait to until you see your healthcare gone, wait to see all your reproductive rights gone, let's see all your preventive medicine evaporate. Those taxes breaks you think you are getting will not happen. He said the same things before and it will not happen. When the Executive Branch is dissolved to only the President and the Department of Justice and he becomes a dictator on day 1 (Which he totally will do make no fucking mistake) You can kiss the Department of Education goodbye. Commerce will go away. Because I'm sure that we will not be doing any types of business with anyone overseas. Those tariffs about to screw you royally. Didn't learn how those work did you. You gonna let a person with a brainworm in his head run HHS and get kickbacks from big Pharma? But hey we getting cheap groceries right?
You honestly think that the manufacturers are just going to drop prices because the President said so. Good luck. Get ready for the screw job you deserve. Just remember, you brought it on yourself.
But you know what instead of saying all this...I'm just going to leave this right here.
Well if you wanted to have a Gilead Dystopic America...well guess what you go it.
so what are we gonna do...well...nothing. Because there isn't anything that can be done and if you think that he will leave office in 2028...nope I can pretty much assure you he won't. And hell it won't be a shock if JD Vance invokes the 25th Amendment and take over himself and we really get that Handmaid's Tale MAGA seems to want. But want gas cheaper right?