Me being the nice, considerate and overall gentleman that I am...(no jokes from the nuts in the peanut gallery I can be damnit!) But I digress. I tried to do something so nice and stuff and I feel that I need to share it with my people.
I was at some local eatery today for lunch and I saw two women that were preparing to leave and one of them pretty much had decided to leave without her makeup being touched up appropriately. And me being the good guy that I am decided to help this individual with making sure her facepaint was good to go. Now mind you, this person was a card carrying member of the Sharpie Nation. YES, friends, she had the eyebrows all done up in the Sharpie manner. And some of it was running of, I don't know it was cause she was sweating more than a crackhead with a bank loan application or what. SO, what I done was reach into my bag and pull out a Sharpie and say, I think you can use this to touch up your eyebrows and don't mind if you can use it to get it done. Well, needless to say, she was pretty offended by the notion and just stormed off, greatly insulted. Well, all I can say was seeesh, try to help some folks and they get all bent out of shape. Heaven knows, she already look like she could pass for one of Mr. Potatohead's bastard kids and I for one was trying to help her out. I guess she was mad because, she was wanting a different color than I had. Maybe she wanted the red or the lavender Sharpie. Who knows.
So in short, my people, never attempt to give out any makeup aid to those who clearly need it. It can become more problems than solutions. And for my Sharpie, do not fear. It may not want to touch such bad skin anyway.
But, then again, we must stop and curtail the Sharpie abuse...just say NO TO Sharpie Abuse!
Stop the madness!!!