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Saturday, November 10, 2012

My Blog...version 2.00-yeah

I just felt the urge to redesign my blog and make it a bit more...hip, cooler and will take my mission to make it popular as all get out...mission 1 million readers...

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

No matter who wins...America is the loser..

and what do I mean by that? Is it some defeatist attitude of the election that is taking place today? No far from it. But, it is about the absolute nonsense, mudslinging, fear-mongering and voter bullying that has taken place leading up to today. And this is coming from the citizens not the candidates. How crazy has it been just to see how many get so irate and ready to literally go to war for the simple fact your views are so dissimilar from their own?

But, what is worse than that is the pure hatred that I have seen form many of one person over another. Let's be honest about this and let's keep it real here...there has been allot of hate on both sides of the political fence. Some just pure blatant than others - a few subtle and assuming innocent. All of it sad and pretty much pathetic.

As you go vote today, your choice is your own and your conscious be your guide. But, afterwards, think about something (especially those who were the voices of the bullying, fear-mongers and the like), should your candidate win, would you feel justified that your tactics is what carries the day to ensure the victory? You can pop out the bottles of champagne and celebrate knowing you must stoop to the most debase forms of the human conscious to get your point across? Then ask yourself this, should your candidate lose, would you feel all angered cause your plans failed, and now the final solutions of thought are made real? And what I mean by this is that been a gamut of reactions from political protests, people leaving the country, renouncing their citizenship, to the most asinine stands such as state secession. (Yes, some governors would have their states just say screw it, we will secede from the country.) To the most heinous part choice...war. I shall spare you the combatants within this one.

I say this, whoever wins, the nation has lost much of its own self-respect, and let's be honest, it has taken many steps back from the progress this nation has made. But, many ways, it just may shown the deep resentment of hatred that has truly never left the American heart. Whoever wins tonight, they will take the reigns of a house, a nation divided in ways that have never been and in some ways, never repaired. I only hope whoever does win can recognize this division and fix that first and foremost. Can't move forward on broken parts.

So while you are at the polls today, consider what I have said. With a divided house would you extend your hand out to help heal the rift?

Just a thought


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Better being who I was, than who I wish to be...

Sometimes, you have to look at yourself and see how you once were, use it as a guide to find the path of where you wish to go; how you want yourself to be and other to perceive you. I sometimes look and think what the hell has happened. I wish that I can be that one person who used to be heartless and just not have a a care for anyone or anything. It made things in my life so much easier and whole less stressful. But many days, many times, one just feels a bit unappreciated - many times felt taken advantage on and used. But mostly, just feel as if as much as I am there for so many, yet never have the favor returned. Never try to force that I want to have any friend to talk, vent or help me when I am in need. Most run like roaches and can't do any help where I bend backwards to help others.

I can just say screw it, and close my heart and just become that person who was selfish, and non-caring. It made things so easier, and kept many people away.

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