Before we go farther, let me give you my sponsor and a disclaimer:
This is MY opinion, my views and if you going to go all insane and looney, need not real farther. And now my sponsor..
Thank you, my friends.
Now, first of all, I am not going to talk bout whether this person is guilty or innocent. That has been administered in a court of law. However, some of the fear-mongers and media-Nazis seem to just stir up so much public-opinion that they wish to use their social influence to gain some type of winning verdict and when they do not get that what they SO desperately want, go into a firestorm short of outright revolution.
First of all, unless I have left this country, we live in a country where all citizen are given a right to a fair trial but a jury of their peers; with a right of due process. And for those who do not know their U.S. government, that would be the 6th and 14th amendments respectively. However, there many people who would rather have a justice system where we are innocent til proven guilty would be guilty until proven innocent. Or just flat out say guilty without any sense of trial.
And the media-Nazi of HLN or I like to call it the House of Ludicrous News with their high priestess of fear-mongering propaganda Nancy Grace and the minister of over-reacting knee jerking blood-letting Jane Velez-Mitchell spent weeks just throwing their condemnations upon us saying: Oh she guilty! The jury will see it and my personal favorite: Justice will be done.
Verdict comes and in the words of Emeril:
Not Guilty. And what happens. OOOOOH! You would think that Pearl Harbor is bombed again and we are going to war.
The jury has said nope, the state did not prove beyond...REASONABLE DOUBT! She was guilty. And now justice was not done, she won't fry or what and now what happens. The media cults are saying oh the jury were not informed, they jury are fools, they don't know what they are doing. They have not been able to hear the public opinions of millions of people and the media....yadda yadda yadda...
Well there is a reason why they jury were sequestered and not given access to any media outlet. Because, the judge wanted to ensure a fair trial and not be persuaded by media brainwashing.
The burden of proof is always with the state to prove their point, and honestly, they dropped the ball. If there is no justice, it was the justice that the state did not put a case that was solid enough to convict. That is the miscarriage of justice. If it was not done beyond any doubt, well you would not be having this firestorm as we are. Ever consider that? Nope.
And now you hear about all the jurors receiving death threats. Judge being insulted and the likes and many of the folks on the Communist News Network (CNN) and the Hardcore Lunacy Network (HLN) are almost set to entice a riot. She goes back to jail for 1 week...7 days and all that time what you see on those channels. Oh a countdown and those quotes saying, "Tonight, the devil is dancing." Nope, the devil is trying to get this damn heat back to hell.
Many people are saying those networks went way overboard with this coverage and almost made it into a crusade and a personal vendetta to insult the justice system saying because they did not get what they want that the court system is bad, flawed and whatnot.
Look, justice is blind, and impartial. It does not have an agenda and can not be lead an ear to fear and social insanity. I think this is almost an reincarnation of McCarthyism all over again. And if you don't think for one second that now that this woman is out that there is not a few people who are going to want to have mob justice and brandish their own vigilante justice, think again. And you don't think that those folks like Nancy Grace and Jane Velez-Mitchell can speak a few choice words and not set a few people onto a course of bloody retribution? History has proven that has happened many times over. And of course they will never mention or speak of it because they will be held libel for it. But, noone will ever say they wouldn't cry wink if a lynch mob offs her and the jury on top of that. Mark my words, I give it a year and someone is going to do it. And call it justice. But then again, justice is nothing more than socialized revenge anyway.
And the big hypocrisy is everyone speaking bloody murder about how she shouldn't profit from anything with interviews or books or whatever. People yelling they will boycott any and everything if she makes a dime from this. But HELLO!! You think the networks are not making a killing from sponsors and commercials. Isn't that bloodmoney. Oh is that just the corporate monopoly that makes a profit from the media-terrorism they portray on a daily basis. Who is the hypocrite?
As stated, I can care less whether she is guilty or not. I am not the one to judge or condemn. That is to higher authority to do that. But in the court of man, she was acquitted. So all this justice was not done is nothing more than a cry for a do-over. Many were even screaming for re-trial. Sorry there can't be any of that because it violates the law in double jeopardy. And there is people even want to appeal the 7th amendment just to retry her. Now, I don't know where these idiots ever get this stupid notion. First of all, you will never and I mean NEVER have both houses of Congress to pass this bill. And no the President does not sign any Constitutional Amendments so before the Obama-bashers start yacking. The bill goes to the States for ratification: either by state assembly or by general election. And you will not get 3/4 of the states or 38 states for the mathematically challenged to ratify it within a specified time frame.
Ain't going to hap'n cap'n!
So in closing, I can speak for many Americans who is about fed up with all this constant reporting let's face nagging from the media. Ok she got off, she walked, let's move on people! Let's talk about the next media controversy. Or let's talk about how we need some rain in parts of the country. Or more importantly, how some people need to get a serious HAIRDO!!! Just saying.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it!