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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I want to be happy for you but..I just can't...

As humans, we have a pre-natural sense of envy towards others. Some take it towards a higher degree and can be labeled as haters or just jealous. But, I think that in most cases, this is unjustly given. While there are some that are just genetically going to chastise others for the pure sense of loathing, there are others who just are not expressive of good mirth towards our fellow man.

Sometimes the hardest thing one can do is express joy for others during times when it’s needed. Sure most can fake a smile or even give a false sense of encouragement for the sake of argument; however is that usually the correct way in showing support? Isn’t it as important as being sincere with what you say as well as being kind to it? Sure you hear that adage “If you have nothing nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.” I think that there should be a footnote added to this proverb. “If you don’t have any sincerity in what you say then don’t say it either.

I know most only try to use kind words of encouragement out of necessity to spare one’s feelings. But, I think that it’s hard to be festive when deep down, you have no joyous times in yourself to share in one’s good fortune. How hard is it to be happy for others when in yourself, you are not happy. Regardless of the reasons behind it.

Sure you can be just happy for them in some sense of a milestone achievement in their lives and they felt that they are only wishing to allow others to partake in it. More so, some who have been down on their luck or in some personal rut, most would only consider this as unwittingly kick while they are down. As some personal gloating in your face of their success or happiness. Many would not even consider this or even think of it as such; however, in many other’s mind this is the case. Then the questions of bitterness arise, or the green eyed monster of jealous rears its head.

Yes, there are many who frown when you up and smile when you down. But, where does this resentment come from? What is the core basis of this? The answer may not be as concrete as most would assume. Circumstances can be as diverse as snowflake patterns. However, most of it I theorize it the timing of these good news of cheer. Timing is the basis of most things – even if it is unwillingly so. You can have a friend come up and tell you they are not engaged to be wed or something to that effect; yet you are having bitter feelings of you and your significant other breaking up. Kind of hard to be happy when you can’t be happy in your own world right? Or how about the announcement of a new car or home you purchased or something else and you fighting everything to maintain yours from being repossessed or foreclosed. Or have them done recently. I doubt you can give two damns about hearing about or even put on a front for them.

The how hard is it for someone to be happy for one who achieved some personal goal or dream, yet you struggle to maintain some sense of purpose and feel less than good cause you have not even made one inch of progress towards yours. This is not for the lack of effort or trying. It is too easy and somewhat dangerous to always assume that if you can dream it you can achieve it. That is not always the case, or as simple. You always heard the old adage, “Hard work pays off in the long run.” While that is true to an extent, that is not the end all – be all of it. Hard work is only a part of it. Hard work, opportunity and let’s face it competition are the cornerstones of success. Dreams are good to have but sometimes the cold foot of reality can kick your dreams away. Hard works feeds your determination, ambitions can in some ways create an opportunity (however the price of such ambitions can be as dangerous as anything) and the threats of others who have the same dreams can be detrimental. Never assume that you are not the only one in this world who have the same dreams and desires as you do. Are you willing to have a killer instinct to destroy others ambitions to satisfy yours? Very few are as ruthless. But when you have a limited time to achieve your goals, sadly this must be needed. However to what end?

What profits the man if he losses his soul? Answer happiness. As cold and twister as it is. They achieve what others have.

But that is another blog for another time. However, you can see the over gist of it. Can most relate to something like this? More the question is would most even acknowledge such weakness in our own minds. So before you throw out the “hater” word or jealous card, consider this and ask yourself in their place. One person’s happiness is another’s misery. Food for thought.


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