Before I carry on, I shall bring forth a special sponsor for this entry. It is probably one of the few times that my blog has such things. Say hello to this entry’s sponsor.
As you can clearly see, this is going to be one of those crazy things that most will see as not another one. However, this is unlike most others. This is to debunk many mythos and misconceptions…ok outright lies that been poisoned the minds of many people.
Before we get too far into this debate, let me be quite clear when I say this…take a deep breath people…………YES! SIZE DOES MATTER!! Ok, now we can carry on with the rest of this without any interruption. Now, that it’s said what about the classical defenses, replies and phrases that so many people have said to ease many of the ego, of so many men. Let’s be honest people, the propaganda machine of so many of the opposite sex is to clearly give most men a sense of security. Whether it’s just out of pure love, or just waiting for the better option and model to roll off the assembly line, who knows. But, let’s be empathically clear about this, 95% is a lie used to satisfy the ever fragile male ego. Now, we are going to dissipate many of the phrases and lines that just about everyone has heard, read and been a witnessed to. See if you have heard them before.
My all time favorite which is probably written in every ladies room and psycho-conditioned into the psyche:
It is not the size, it’s what you do with it.
Oh how funny those words can be just uttered out so flawlessly, and how much it can be clearly a consensus lifeline of egocentric satisfaction to the truly lost. It is suppose to be said for comfort, it’s a slap in the face of reasonable thinking. Let’s just throw this out the water, blow it up and send it into the abyss of heretical truth right now. Unless you are using this to solve criminal cases, develop cures for diseases, finding the next Powerball numbers and most importantly asking why those “looking for love reality shows” so damn popular, there isn’t much you are suppose to be doing with this magical instrument. Let’s face it, there is a limited purpose and function.
Yes, the argument is that it is the person behind it. However, let’s be honest people. This is not exactly rocket science or a new form of sexual physics here. It is a simple application of the most simple mechanics. In and out. How difficult is that people? Ok you can change angles, speed, motion and location. Nevertheless, the same concepts are the same. In and out. If you can not master that simple logic, there is a serious problem. Ever wonder why a condom keeps falling off while you doing the bedroom bango? It sure isn’t because of a manufactures malfunction. Nuff Said!
Anyone can be trained to use what they got.
I call this one semi bovine fecal matter. And the only reason I say this because there are some who truly love their partner and will do this to make the magic in the bedroom super magical. A you best believe even that has a timetable. They don’t learn it soon, you best believe they will be the audience in the performance and someone ELSE will be the main act. You best believe that a relationship is as strong and as committed as the options available. Anyone says otherwise is lying to themselves.
I have heard so many times that it should not matter and even most men say those that trip about it can really do much with what they got or find other ways to do what is required. To those men first of all, cash the checks that those propagandists paid you off with for you are truly on the take – or the pathetic yes-men that only falls in line to conform on the hopes they will get laid later that week. Ulterior motives at it’s best. Wake up!
It’s okay to be average.
This is about the most asinine thing I ever heard. Do people as humans want to work for an average salary, live an average life or just exist for average? No. Our primal urges will not let us settle for just average. Hate to disappoint. Exceptional, Great yes. Average, no. Average is a politically correct way in say it sucks. Even the word sounds insulting. In addition, what is the generally accepted notion of average anyway? What is the universal constant that can be agreed by the billions of citizen on this mudball called Earth? Defining average is almost as impossible as counting the number of specks in the sand. But, in the grand scheme of things, noone wants average, and I challenge anyone to prove me wrong.
You only need x to stimulate the nerves in a woman…
The scientific approach saying that nerves are only put into the first so and so distances in the vagina. Hate to shock you but every part of the human body has nerves, the rest are not exactly a devoid zone of no sensation. Nerve endings are everywhere so cancel that subscription to Liar’s Digest. Next question.
As long as you can use other things…
Oh yeah! Let’s just go all oral and use toys and fingers and yadda yadda yadda. Sure, keep your clothes on, use all the toys kept in the shoebox under the bed, dine out at the Y and you go home with a case of blue balls and masturbate to the newest porn you downloaded offline. If that is all that’s needed, is a guy even necessary? Be honest with yourself and think with your head and put away the emotions.
I already know what most are thinking, this is just the rantings of some one who is all obsessed about things that are so old and worn out that it don’t bear repeating. Not even so. It is that for so long, I have read, seen and heard the sweet contradictions about this subject. I have seen breakups occur, people have affairs and worst off, lie to so many about things like this only to confirm to the norm or to satisfy egos for the sake of silencing voices of dissention.
So why have I written this you may ask? To just get all these thoughts and whatnot down, to preach my sermon upon deaf ears, or is it fan the flames even hotter than it already is? No The fires of this debate will never be extinguished. No matter how much scientific study is conducted. No matter how many lies are told to give a sense of comfort which it is. It is true not everyone can be the porn star of the deepest desires, but noone wants to be the object of a circus side show either.
Impressions and perceptions play a greater role in of things than we give credit for. It is important towards confidence and self-worth. Some would say it is not. Wrong, it is bigger than most wish to admit. I am prepared for any onslaught for anger or rebuttals that would come should it occur. Most would probably be paid mercenaries that will speak on the promise of some sexual favor. If most would open their minds to some reason it will be a better place for one and all. But, sadly I know few will understand, fewer will stand with me and that is ok. I rather stand by my convictions and be alone than kneel to conformity for acceptance. Let them come, challenge me with wisdom and reason and I shall respond in kind. Close mindedness need not apply. And if one sees the logical of such simplicity, then there is hope for the world. If not, then I shall stand against the waves. And remember:
It is better to stand by your convictions and be alone than kneel to conformity for acceptance.