I never had much hatred and resentment for one business. But this place. This cooperation is just evil incarnate. And if I can somehow cause this bitch of a place to have a downfall, I would do it with no second thought. Most of you may know it, since I talk to some of you about them and their shady practices. But those who don't, I am talking about Sallie Mae. The monopolistic company that handles almost all student loans that are out there. Or should I say a student loan management company. But either way that are the fucking Nazi party of higher education. Sadly, they were the only company that I can get loans from to pay for my college education. Which don't seem to be much now of days. Thank you DeVry!! Damn bastards! I do regret every meeting that man who came to my house and offered that school to me. If I could I would so time travel and beat his ass. But I really can't complain because I meet so many great people from such a tragedy. However, I could have done this same outcome and went somewhere else.
But anywho, this all boils down to me trying to get a few forbearances to try get my financial mess taken care of while trying to get a job so I can get things on my feet. Doing that in itself is a nightmare and a half. After I have made arrangements to try to get things done, I get blindsided by this bitch saying there loans out that I was not aware of that was never informed when I finally got all this done that I owe almost 2 grand to get my forbearance in order. I'm like kiss my ass. I already settled everything and you say I owe more. Hell naw! But I guess I was wrong cause now they took my entire loan and sent it into default status. Real fucking good there folks!
Soooooo what do I do now...sadly these are federal loans and stuff which means not only my credit is shot to hell...hell name me a person who credit ain't 100% pristine. My check can be garnished by up to a 1/3 which means it will be harder for me to even take care of the things I need to deal with. and blah blah blah! Now I know why folks do illegal things. (not saying I will but I understand why) and worst off. It moreso just strong arm tactics that would even make the mafia envious.
It's so funny, I have went on to a few anti-Sallie Mae sites and it's so comforting to see I am not totally alone in this nightmare. Each story is different but one thing is the same: the bulldog tactics this financial abomination has given to so many. Hell I even read somewhere there is a potential class action suit to be pended against this bitch. Oh the minute there is even a remote chance of it, my name is going on that list faster than you can blink.
And the sad thing is that many folks have been, or shall be caught in this same trap. I did do one good thing and advise someone who was going to school NOT to use that bitch for student loans...and luckly they didn't use it and I feel like I have achieved some victory to let one person not be caught in that web. Just like I advised one person not to go to DeVry for their game design program. SMU is better. I know I should have some sense of loyalty to my school. But that is bullshit to the nth degree. They are only loyal to their profit margins and that's a shame.
SO what a nice Christmas present these fucktards have given me. A potential lawsuit. Happy Holidays to me!!!!!!!!!!!
So they take my money...joy!!! almost makes me wanna quit my job just for that but I can't do that. I actually like my job (even when it drives me batty - which is most days) but it's a shame I only work to pay debts and bills. I won't be getting no IRA or 401k anytime soon.
But I will say this much...anyone want to know what a hose job feels like, use Sallie Mae for student loans, they will royally screw you over better than the best porn star could ever do.
Stupid company with crappy customer service and a bullshit settlement saying if I pay 36.5 all up front they will settle it out. Sure let me just conjure that up out of thin air now. If i had it you think I would have done something about it. I mean come'on folks!!!
Well, enough about them. I'm not going to let these fuckers ruin my Christmas than they already did. But if Santa was to be nice and cause that company to go out of bidness and I somehow get all my loans paid off I would be greatly happy.
But as Charlie Brown said, there are no such things are Christmas miracles. Just disappointments.
Happy Holidays Folks!!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
You ask for the impossible...
...can I deliver it. Have it all done before 6pm and keep the masses happy? Of course I can. Are you fucking kidding????
Well, most know that I just started a new job a few weeks ago. For the most part, it's a pretty cool place. The atmosphere is very laid back and the folks are pretty friendly. You can't be a place where you can wear sweats and sneakers to work. Yeah that is a job I was wanting. But sadly there goes the good parts. The job that I am doing is pretty demanding. Hell I get a full workout every damn day. As much walking and moving on as I get, I should be a freaking size 5 by Easter, or pretty damn close. But it's not that it's a bad thing that I work there...but this is how I do my average day.
clock in at 9. go through all the electronic faxes that come in, send them out the necessary folks beforehand....then have to print them out highlight the necessary information,change them to PDF because it just have folks want them. Change the names of them, file them in a folder, and take them to a person in front of the office. (Oh I have my own office in back that I hardly leave) Now that is just one thing and they come ALL DAY LONG!!!! Luckly, some I just forward to others but some I have to manually print, sort, convert and rename. And that's before I do anything else and depending of how often they come, they pop every 2 mins to 10.
NOW here goes the fun part. I have to sort out all the letters and mail that goes out that day. now this is where most of my morning goes. Having to PHYSICALLY sort out everything dividing them from the lenders according to page number and carrier. You would think that would be easy but when you have at least 300 or 400 of them to do it gets crazy. That part is not so hard. Just have to make sure you sort it out correctly is the bitch.
Now getting them into the mailer is fun!!!! (dripping sarcasm here) I call the mailing maching SOB-666 figure out the name..mostly it cooperates fine. but other times it wanna get stuck and be a total doucheball. But this is where it gets fun. Most of the mails go out in one envelope. But a few of them. Oh they have to go a certain way and thank goodness that someone was nice enough to print out a form of each letter that goes into each envelope. I would be totally screwed if I didn't have it and it would be a bitch...because if they go out to the wrong vendors and whatnot, the company can be fined up to 25 grand per occurrence (per letter) and if you pop out a 100 or so at a time, you do the math. yeah this is serious bullshit there peoples. I usually try to get this all out sorted and stuffed before 11am. or a bit afterwards.
Now while this is going on and being stuffed into envelopes, I usually go check the faxes and sometimes by then, I get a bit of papers that need to be scanned into directories. Now this is not a hard thing to do. Just go to the scanner, insert them into the maching, push 2 buttons and wammo...good times. Sometimes I have to separate them into 2 stacks if they are too big...but pause insert the rest and keep going. So that is not hard thing to do. But when they pull about 4 or 5 at a time and some can be as tall as a ream of paper (500) pages..it gets time consuming. Luckly those don't have real time restraints.
Now I know most of you are like holy hell do you get a break..NOPE!!! I don't and that's not even the fun stuff yet. It's usually 12ish when I try to go to lunch. It suppose to be an hour but I usually take 30mins or so and I am thinking from now on I will just clock out and do more work and just eat at my desk because I have learned the hard way that you take a lunch and all that, shit will pile up faster than a manure factory shoveler. But I get back from lunch and I usually go back to faxes (which are there enmasse) try to get those out and then I go to mailing the letters out. I go to the mailing machine, punch a few keys set it to seal (good I don't need to lock the damn things) It would be hell on your tongue that's for sure. And zip them through. Puts postage and all. But sadly..it's all manual. I hold down a stack of 10 or so at a time and go through it. BAM BAM BAM. Put them in a postage tray and usually takes about half our or so. Normally there is about 500 or so to mail out. Once that's done. go back to the faxes. You would think that some people would take a break...hell no!!!! working all time zones here and there, it never stops.
Usually around 2ish or so...I get a few stacks of papers that need to be scanned and processed into a big warehouse of inventory. Luckly it's a scan, convert and transfer to an FTP site. as much as I download crap, this is a cake walk but it's time consuming trying to get them scanned, converted, and uploaded...all the while trying to multi-task printing out faxes.
Usually be done with that and then the home stretch comes. 3pm.....I have to get a whole set of files from international vendors and whatnot...hell I don't know where they come from I just get them put them on the desktop and with the wonderful magic of pdf I have to time stamp that it's received change it and print them out. Now thing is that they can vary from 3 to 9 files and some can be just 4 pages and a few appeals can be as much as 350. You would think they can't get all the shit done in 50 pages or less, hell no!!!!! so this is the longest part of the day. But normally I try to do other things and catch up on scanning or faxes while it's printing. Once all that's done. I have to mail folks with confirmation numbers logs and dates and the rest of the day. I catch up with faxes and scanning until 5:30 when I get the FedEx shipments ready to be sent out. Its usually a stack of papers and don't take long. And usually out the door at 6pm.
WHEW!!! And that's my day. you would think that I have this system down and running like a well-oiled machine right? HELL NO!!!!!! I always learned that the best plans blow up within 5 minutes of operation. To be honest,this should be a two person operation but they expect 1 to get it all done and have nothing left for the next day. Are you kidding me? Now I know I been there for just 2 weeks and this is my real first week running this whole pizza stand on my own. I literally run myself ragged trying to get this done and really it is a bit unnerving. Because so many things are on a time restraint, that you try to get everything out and have your priorities done first, but hell what's the priority.
And after today, I really just want to scream...because I been running on edge ever since I walked in the door. Not that I messed anything up...well not intentionally but today it was like a whole avalanche of things at one time. Not to mention having requests of things that needed to get done before the end of the day don't make matters easier either. So it's been one big episode of Clusterfuck starting me. Now I had a decent day yesterday, everything was running smoothly and got everything done even had a few moments to recollect myself but today Oh no...I hardly left that office except to go to lunch, bathroom and make deliveries. I so need to bring a radio or my IPOD in. Here is the rundown of today's big mess...see if you can catch along...
almost 1000 letters sorted stuffed and mailed. Thankfully about 200 or so were already pre-sorted.
3 personal request to have about 20 or so document downloaded and printed (which I havn't got to cause I was busy doing other things)
more than a dozen stacks of batch filed that need to be scanned. probably a ream of paper each. now that is 500 pages times 12...get the calculators ready. (not even close to finishing)
152 faxes today. yes I counted them.
9 international documents that averaged from 3 to 200 pages. (so many trees are dying cause of this job!!!!!) no going green here!!
3 ftp files transferred.
and 5 fedex packages.
NOW.....you think can this all be done with just one person? Nope, It can't and the thing is that after busting my ass trying to get all this accommodated, as I leave I get stopped by one of the supervisors and they ask how I am doing which I was honest and say it's alot and I'm trying to get it all done. But, I was informed that I have to get faxes out fast to keep nurses and stuff busy and get things in and out in 4 hours time. After I told her of everything that I had to do...which I still HAVN'T DONE!! She just said that it waxes and wanes. But I'm like really give me a little slack, I'm just starting out here on my own, this ain't going to be done overnight. But I understand the necessity. I just said I will try to get it all out faster and keep everyone happy. Which means I will just have to work alot off the clock to stay caught up.
I walked out and wanted to scream. But I knew that it wouldn't make a bit of good. But I just needed to vent. I really don't want to throw my issues with anyone, cause they got their own problems...so I just throw it here for anyone who wants to read it read it. I know the old addage, And this too, shall pass...sadly, it just carries over to the next day. I am honestly thinking that after my 90 evaulation, I don't know what to do. But, I am going to give it my damn best. But, Honestly with a company and an industry that can fine you for the simplest slip-up's it's a bit numbing. I'm grateful to have a job, Lord knows it's been hell trying to get it, but I just didn't expect it to be so demanding and really grinding on you. One of the office's mantras is to work and play and enjoy yourself there as an extension of home...honestly, when you have so much to do and got little leeway to even use the bathroom, I don't think that playing or interacting with anyone is in the cards anytime soon.
So...now I just go back into the pits tomorrow, and attempt to catch up on what I did not accomplish from yesterday. Throw some positive vibes this way...I can use plenty of them. And a clone of myself.
Well, most know that I just started a new job a few weeks ago. For the most part, it's a pretty cool place. The atmosphere is very laid back and the folks are pretty friendly. You can't be a place where you can wear sweats and sneakers to work. Yeah that is a job I was wanting. But sadly there goes the good parts. The job that I am doing is pretty demanding. Hell I get a full workout every damn day. As much walking and moving on as I get, I should be a freaking size 5 by Easter, or pretty damn close. But it's not that it's a bad thing that I work there...but this is how I do my average day.
clock in at 9. go through all the electronic faxes that come in, send them out the necessary folks beforehand....then have to print them out highlight the necessary information,change them to PDF because it just have folks want them. Change the names of them, file them in a folder, and take them to a person in front of the office. (Oh I have my own office in back that I hardly leave) Now that is just one thing and they come ALL DAY LONG!!!! Luckly, some I just forward to others but some I have to manually print, sort, convert and rename. And that's before I do anything else and depending of how often they come, they pop every 2 mins to 10.
NOW here goes the fun part. I have to sort out all the letters and mail that goes out that day. now this is where most of my morning goes. Having to PHYSICALLY sort out everything dividing them from the lenders according to page number and carrier. You would think that would be easy but when you have at least 300 or 400 of them to do it gets crazy. That part is not so hard. Just have to make sure you sort it out correctly is the bitch.
Now getting them into the mailer is fun!!!! (dripping sarcasm here) I call the mailing maching SOB-666 figure out the name..mostly it cooperates fine. but other times it wanna get stuck and be a total doucheball. But this is where it gets fun. Most of the mails go out in one envelope. But a few of them. Oh they have to go a certain way and thank goodness that someone was nice enough to print out a form of each letter that goes into each envelope. I would be totally screwed if I didn't have it and it would be a bitch...because if they go out to the wrong vendors and whatnot, the company can be fined up to 25 grand per occurrence (per letter) and if you pop out a 100 or so at a time, you do the math. yeah this is serious bullshit there peoples. I usually try to get this all out sorted and stuffed before 11am. or a bit afterwards.
Now while this is going on and being stuffed into envelopes, I usually go check the faxes and sometimes by then, I get a bit of papers that need to be scanned into directories. Now this is not a hard thing to do. Just go to the scanner, insert them into the maching, push 2 buttons and wammo...good times. Sometimes I have to separate them into 2 stacks if they are too big...but pause insert the rest and keep going. So that is not hard thing to do. But when they pull about 4 or 5 at a time and some can be as tall as a ream of paper (500) pages..it gets time consuming. Luckly those don't have real time restraints.
Now I know most of you are like holy hell do you get a break..NOPE!!! I don't and that's not even the fun stuff yet. It's usually 12ish when I try to go to lunch. It suppose to be an hour but I usually take 30mins or so and I am thinking from now on I will just clock out and do more work and just eat at my desk because I have learned the hard way that you take a lunch and all that, shit will pile up faster than a manure factory shoveler. But I get back from lunch and I usually go back to faxes (which are there enmasse) try to get those out and then I go to mailing the letters out. I go to the mailing machine, punch a few keys set it to seal (good I don't need to lock the damn things) It would be hell on your tongue that's for sure. And zip them through. Puts postage and all. But sadly..it's all manual. I hold down a stack of 10 or so at a time and go through it. BAM BAM BAM. Put them in a postage tray and usually takes about half our or so. Normally there is about 500 or so to mail out. Once that's done. go back to the faxes. You would think that some people would take a break...hell no!!!! working all time zones here and there, it never stops.
Usually around 2ish or so...I get a few stacks of papers that need to be scanned and processed into a big warehouse of inventory. Luckly it's a scan, convert and transfer to an FTP site. as much as I download crap, this is a cake walk but it's time consuming trying to get them scanned, converted, and uploaded...all the while trying to multi-task printing out faxes.
Usually be done with that and then the home stretch comes. 3pm.....I have to get a whole set of files from international vendors and whatnot...hell I don't know where they come from I just get them put them on the desktop and with the wonderful magic of pdf I have to time stamp that it's received change it and print them out. Now thing is that they can vary from 3 to 9 files and some can be just 4 pages and a few appeals can be as much as 350. You would think they can't get all the shit done in 50 pages or less, hell no!!!!! so this is the longest part of the day. But normally I try to do other things and catch up on scanning or faxes while it's printing. Once all that's done. I have to mail folks with confirmation numbers logs and dates and the rest of the day. I catch up with faxes and scanning until 5:30 when I get the FedEx shipments ready to be sent out. Its usually a stack of papers and don't take long. And usually out the door at 6pm.
WHEW!!! And that's my day. you would think that I have this system down and running like a well-oiled machine right? HELL NO!!!!!! I always learned that the best plans blow up within 5 minutes of operation. To be honest,this should be a two person operation but they expect 1 to get it all done and have nothing left for the next day. Are you kidding me? Now I know I been there for just 2 weeks and this is my real first week running this whole pizza stand on my own. I literally run myself ragged trying to get this done and really it is a bit unnerving. Because so many things are on a time restraint, that you try to get everything out and have your priorities done first, but hell what's the priority.
And after today, I really just want to scream...because I been running on edge ever since I walked in the door. Not that I messed anything up...well not intentionally but today it was like a whole avalanche of things at one time. Not to mention having requests of things that needed to get done before the end of the day don't make matters easier either. So it's been one big episode of Clusterfuck starting me. Now I had a decent day yesterday, everything was running smoothly and got everything done even had a few moments to recollect myself but today Oh no...I hardly left that office except to go to lunch, bathroom and make deliveries. I so need to bring a radio or my IPOD in. Here is the rundown of today's big mess...see if you can catch along...
almost 1000 letters sorted stuffed and mailed. Thankfully about 200 or so were already pre-sorted.
3 personal request to have about 20 or so document downloaded and printed (which I havn't got to cause I was busy doing other things)
more than a dozen stacks of batch filed that need to be scanned. probably a ream of paper each. now that is 500 pages times 12...get the calculators ready. (not even close to finishing)
152 faxes today. yes I counted them.
9 international documents that averaged from 3 to 200 pages. (so many trees are dying cause of this job!!!!!) no going green here!!
3 ftp files transferred.
and 5 fedex packages.
NOW.....you think can this all be done with just one person? Nope, It can't and the thing is that after busting my ass trying to get all this accommodated, as I leave I get stopped by one of the supervisors and they ask how I am doing which I was honest and say it's alot and I'm trying to get it all done. But, I was informed that I have to get faxes out fast to keep nurses and stuff busy and get things in and out in 4 hours time. After I told her of everything that I had to do...which I still HAVN'T DONE!! She just said that it waxes and wanes. But I'm like really give me a little slack, I'm just starting out here on my own, this ain't going to be done overnight. But I understand the necessity. I just said I will try to get it all out faster and keep everyone happy. Which means I will just have to work alot off the clock to stay caught up.
I walked out and wanted to scream. But I knew that it wouldn't make a bit of good. But I just needed to vent. I really don't want to throw my issues with anyone, cause they got their own problems...so I just throw it here for anyone who wants to read it read it. I know the old addage, And this too, shall pass...sadly, it just carries over to the next day. I am honestly thinking that after my 90 evaulation, I don't know what to do. But, I am going to give it my damn best. But, Honestly with a company and an industry that can fine you for the simplest slip-up's it's a bit numbing. I'm grateful to have a job, Lord knows it's been hell trying to get it, but I just didn't expect it to be so demanding and really grinding on you. One of the office's mantras is to work and play and enjoy yourself there as an extension of home...honestly, when you have so much to do and got little leeway to even use the bathroom, I don't think that playing or interacting with anyone is in the cards anytime soon.
So...now I just go back into the pits tomorrow, and attempt to catch up on what I did not accomplish from yesterday. Throw some positive vibes this way...I can use plenty of them. And a clone of myself.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
sorry been away
sorry been away as I have. got me a new job so it takes me away from things. like blogging and annoying the world. the place is pretty cool and the peeps are cool. just need to get one aspect of an operation down and I can do it. if I dont have a breakdown lol. but I am still here and will bring the fun. me promise.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Here Is The Truth...
I almost decided not to write this simply because there have been so many other opinions posted about this. I did not want to be one of a multitude of nameless individuals who just wanted to touch the most ultimate of controversial topics. However, those who know me, I shall throw my own cynical views and cold logical truths upon you. In short, I shall join the army simply to cast my lot with reason, abandon emotion and maybe even enlighten many – for clearly, there are many who lie ignorant and sadly, blinded to the most elemental of truths.
Before I carry on, I shall bring forth a special sponsor for this entry. It is probably one of the few times that my blog has such things. Say hello to this entry’s sponsor.

As you can clearly see, this is going to be one of those crazy things that most will see as not another one. However, this is unlike most others. This is to debunk many mythos and misconceptions…ok outright lies that been poisoned the minds of many people.
Before we get too far into this debate, let me be quite clear when I say this…take a deep breath people…………YES! SIZE DOES MATTER!! Ok, now we can carry on with the rest of this without any interruption. Now, that it’s said what about the classical defenses, replies and phrases that so many people have said to ease many of the ego, of so many men. Let’s be honest people, the propaganda machine of so many of the opposite sex is to clearly give most men a sense of security. Whether it’s just out of pure love, or just waiting for the better option and model to roll off the assembly line, who knows. But, let’s be empathically clear about this, 95% is a lie used to satisfy the ever fragile male ego. Now, we are going to dissipate many of the phrases and lines that just about everyone has heard, read and been a witnessed to. See if you have heard them before.
My all time favorite which is probably written in every ladies room and psycho-conditioned into the psyche:
It is not the size, it’s what you do with it.
Oh how funny those words can be just uttered out so flawlessly, and how much it can be clearly a consensus lifeline of egocentric satisfaction to the truly lost. It is suppose to be said for comfort, it’s a slap in the face of reasonable thinking. Let’s just throw this out the water, blow it up and send it into the abyss of heretical truth right now. Unless you are using this to solve criminal cases, develop cures for diseases, finding the next Powerball numbers and most importantly asking why those “looking for love reality shows” so damn popular, there isn’t much you are suppose to be doing with this magical instrument. Let’s face it, there is a limited purpose and function.
Yes, the argument is that it is the person behind it. However, let’s be honest people. This is not exactly rocket science or a new form of sexual physics here. It is a simple application of the most simple mechanics. In and out. How difficult is that people? Ok you can change angles, speed, motion and location. Nevertheless, the same concepts are the same. In and out. If you can not master that simple logic, there is a serious problem. Ever wonder why a condom keeps falling off while you doing the bedroom bango? It sure isn’t because of a manufactures malfunction. Nuff Said!
Anyone can be trained to use what they got.
I call this one semi bovine fecal matter. And the only reason I say this because there are some who truly love their partner and will do this to make the magic in the bedroom super magical. A you best believe even that has a timetable. They don’t learn it soon, you best believe they will be the audience in the performance and someone ELSE will be the main act. You best believe that a relationship is as strong and as committed as the options available. Anyone says otherwise is lying to themselves.
I have heard so many times that it should not matter and even most men say those that trip about it can really do much with what they got or find other ways to do what is required. To those men first of all, cash the checks that those propagandists paid you off with for you are truly on the take – or the pathetic yes-men that only falls in line to conform on the hopes they will get laid later that week. Ulterior motives at it’s best. Wake up!
It’s okay to be average.
This is about the most asinine thing I ever heard. Do people as humans want to work for an average salary, live an average life or just exist for average? No. Our primal urges will not let us settle for just average. Hate to disappoint. Exceptional, Great yes. Average, no. Average is a politically correct way in say it sucks. Even the word sounds insulting. In addition, what is the generally accepted notion of average anyway? What is the universal constant that can be agreed by the billions of citizen on this mudball called Earth? Defining average is almost as impossible as counting the number of specks in the sand. But, in the grand scheme of things, noone wants average, and I challenge anyone to prove me wrong.
You only need x to stimulate the nerves in a woman…
The scientific approach saying that nerves are only put into the first so and so distances in the vagina. Hate to shock you but every part of the human body has nerves, the rest are not exactly a devoid zone of no sensation. Nerve endings are everywhere so cancel that subscription to Liar’s Digest. Next question.
As long as you can use other things…
Oh yeah! Let’s just go all oral and use toys and fingers and yadda yadda yadda. Sure, keep your clothes on, use all the toys kept in the shoebox under the bed, dine out at the Y and you go home with a case of blue balls and masturbate to the newest porn you downloaded offline. If that is all that’s needed, is a guy even necessary? Be honest with yourself and think with your head and put away the emotions.
I already know what most are thinking, this is just the rantings of some one who is all obsessed about things that are so old and worn out that it don’t bear repeating. Not even so. It is that for so long, I have read, seen and heard the sweet contradictions about this subject. I have seen breakups occur, people have affairs and worst off, lie to so many about things like this only to confirm to the norm or to satisfy egos for the sake of silencing voices of dissention.
So why have I written this you may ask? To just get all these thoughts and whatnot down, to preach my sermon upon deaf ears, or is it fan the flames even hotter than it already is? No The fires of this debate will never be extinguished. No matter how much scientific study is conducted. No matter how many lies are told to give a sense of comfort which it is. It is true not everyone can be the porn star of the deepest desires, but noone wants to be the object of a circus side show either.
Impressions and perceptions play a greater role in of things than we give credit for. It is important towards confidence and self-worth. Some would say it is not. Wrong, it is bigger than most wish to admit. I am prepared for any onslaught for anger or rebuttals that would come should it occur. Most would probably be paid mercenaries that will speak on the promise of some sexual favor. If most would open their minds to some reason it will be a better place for one and all. But, sadly I know few will understand, fewer will stand with me and that is ok. I rather stand by my convictions and be alone than kneel to conformity for acceptance. Let them come, challenge me with wisdom and reason and I shall respond in kind. Close mindedness need not apply. And if one sees the logical of such simplicity, then there is hope for the world. If not, then I shall stand against the waves. And remember:
It is better to stand by your convictions and be alone than kneel to conformity for acceptance.
Before I carry on, I shall bring forth a special sponsor for this entry. It is probably one of the few times that my blog has such things. Say hello to this entry’s sponsor.
As you can clearly see, this is going to be one of those crazy things that most will see as not another one. However, this is unlike most others. This is to debunk many mythos and misconceptions…ok outright lies that been poisoned the minds of many people.
Before we get too far into this debate, let me be quite clear when I say this…take a deep breath people…………YES! SIZE DOES MATTER!! Ok, now we can carry on with the rest of this without any interruption. Now, that it’s said what about the classical defenses, replies and phrases that so many people have said to ease many of the ego, of so many men. Let’s be honest people, the propaganda machine of so many of the opposite sex is to clearly give most men a sense of security. Whether it’s just out of pure love, or just waiting for the better option and model to roll off the assembly line, who knows. But, let’s be empathically clear about this, 95% is a lie used to satisfy the ever fragile male ego. Now, we are going to dissipate many of the phrases and lines that just about everyone has heard, read and been a witnessed to. See if you have heard them before.
My all time favorite which is probably written in every ladies room and psycho-conditioned into the psyche:
It is not the size, it’s what you do with it.
Oh how funny those words can be just uttered out so flawlessly, and how much it can be clearly a consensus lifeline of egocentric satisfaction to the truly lost. It is suppose to be said for comfort, it’s a slap in the face of reasonable thinking. Let’s just throw this out the water, blow it up and send it into the abyss of heretical truth right now. Unless you are using this to solve criminal cases, develop cures for diseases, finding the next Powerball numbers and most importantly asking why those “looking for love reality shows” so damn popular, there isn’t much you are suppose to be doing with this magical instrument. Let’s face it, there is a limited purpose and function.
Yes, the argument is that it is the person behind it. However, let’s be honest people. This is not exactly rocket science or a new form of sexual physics here. It is a simple application of the most simple mechanics. In and out. How difficult is that people? Ok you can change angles, speed, motion and location. Nevertheless, the same concepts are the same. In and out. If you can not master that simple logic, there is a serious problem. Ever wonder why a condom keeps falling off while you doing the bedroom bango? It sure isn’t because of a manufactures malfunction. Nuff Said!
Anyone can be trained to use what they got.
I call this one semi bovine fecal matter. And the only reason I say this because there are some who truly love their partner and will do this to make the magic in the bedroom super magical. A you best believe even that has a timetable. They don’t learn it soon, you best believe they will be the audience in the performance and someone ELSE will be the main act. You best believe that a relationship is as strong and as committed as the options available. Anyone says otherwise is lying to themselves.
I have heard so many times that it should not matter and even most men say those that trip about it can really do much with what they got or find other ways to do what is required. To those men first of all, cash the checks that those propagandists paid you off with for you are truly on the take – or the pathetic yes-men that only falls in line to conform on the hopes they will get laid later that week. Ulterior motives at it’s best. Wake up!
It’s okay to be average.
This is about the most asinine thing I ever heard. Do people as humans want to work for an average salary, live an average life or just exist for average? No. Our primal urges will not let us settle for just average. Hate to disappoint. Exceptional, Great yes. Average, no. Average is a politically correct way in say it sucks. Even the word sounds insulting. In addition, what is the generally accepted notion of average anyway? What is the universal constant that can be agreed by the billions of citizen on this mudball called Earth? Defining average is almost as impossible as counting the number of specks in the sand. But, in the grand scheme of things, noone wants average, and I challenge anyone to prove me wrong.
You only need x to stimulate the nerves in a woman…
The scientific approach saying that nerves are only put into the first so and so distances in the vagina. Hate to shock you but every part of the human body has nerves, the rest are not exactly a devoid zone of no sensation. Nerve endings are everywhere so cancel that subscription to Liar’s Digest. Next question.
As long as you can use other things…
Oh yeah! Let’s just go all oral and use toys and fingers and yadda yadda yadda. Sure, keep your clothes on, use all the toys kept in the shoebox under the bed, dine out at the Y and you go home with a case of blue balls and masturbate to the newest porn you downloaded offline. If that is all that’s needed, is a guy even necessary? Be honest with yourself and think with your head and put away the emotions.
I already know what most are thinking, this is just the rantings of some one who is all obsessed about things that are so old and worn out that it don’t bear repeating. Not even so. It is that for so long, I have read, seen and heard the sweet contradictions about this subject. I have seen breakups occur, people have affairs and worst off, lie to so many about things like this only to confirm to the norm or to satisfy egos for the sake of silencing voices of dissention.
So why have I written this you may ask? To just get all these thoughts and whatnot down, to preach my sermon upon deaf ears, or is it fan the flames even hotter than it already is? No The fires of this debate will never be extinguished. No matter how much scientific study is conducted. No matter how many lies are told to give a sense of comfort which it is. It is true not everyone can be the porn star of the deepest desires, but noone wants to be the object of a circus side show either.
Impressions and perceptions play a greater role in of things than we give credit for. It is important towards confidence and self-worth. Some would say it is not. Wrong, it is bigger than most wish to admit. I am prepared for any onslaught for anger or rebuttals that would come should it occur. Most would probably be paid mercenaries that will speak on the promise of some sexual favor. If most would open their minds to some reason it will be a better place for one and all. But, sadly I know few will understand, fewer will stand with me and that is ok. I rather stand by my convictions and be alone than kneel to conformity for acceptance. Let them come, challenge me with wisdom and reason and I shall respond in kind. Close mindedness need not apply. And if one sees the logical of such simplicity, then there is hope for the world. If not, then I shall stand against the waves. And remember:
It is better to stand by your convictions and be alone than kneel to conformity for acceptance.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
You got questions...
And I the Oracle of Eternal Wisdom shall aid you in the answering of life's greatest questions and mysteries. Be enlightened my people. Now let us being our quest: 1. There was a second shooter in the Kennedy Assassination. The only magic bullet are in most women's toy chests. 2. Beer Barbecue Boobs and Butts are Man's true 4 food groups. Yummers! 3. A way to a man's heart is through a womans mouth. We will love you! 4. A way to a woman's heart is through a man's wallet. 5. Yes! Men think about sex alot. Get over it! Its who we are mkay? mkay! 6. If someone says we need to see other people, they already got one in mind. 7. Sex sells and we are all buying it! 8. Everyone is a prostitute in one way or another. we just must figure out cost! 9. There were no weapons of mass destruction. unless you mean a few porn stars I wont mention :) 10. Bush lied! (nuff said!) 11. Reality TV is stupid as hell! 12. People who are famous for the sake of being famous are the most annoying people. (see previous answer) 13. Size does matter! Stop lying folks! 14. Yes I am a cynic and proud of it! And Finally... 15. All arguements can be solved and settled with a blowjob or any feat of sex. So Just Suck It Up And Shut Him Up! Be ENLIGHTENED! now sorry for the compactness of my blog. Damn Cell Wont Do Page Down! Ugh!!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
I'm back...
and I am kind of wondering why the hell did I leave in the first place. But, I kind of just left my old blog out of anger, mostly out of insane bullshit. However, I'm going to use this one and keep it and to hell with those whom I pissed off.
I know most think that this will be similar to my Technocolored Padded Cell blog that is on Myspace. No this will not be as cheery or informative. This is a bit more controversial (As if I have not been that way enough) and a bit more on the darkside of things. From porn to politics. Love to Spermcidal Genocide (if you have to know what that is...don't ask *blink*)
And the thing is that most my views will pretty much annoy some, piss of several and let's face it, I will more likely have many up in arms. But that's what I want. But even so, there may be one who shall see the logic and wisdom of my words. And in so, I have converted just one to the truth; then I have accomplished my mission and this blog will have been worth the effort.
There may be a few of my insane "anti-motivational" moments that I could not post on any of the more g-rated sites. I have several that could not be posted due to some folks who want to nag nag nag. Fuck'em and feed them fishheads.
Will I make enemies? Absolutly. I'm a villain, it's my job. Will I make some think? I sincerely hope so. There has been an enormous lack of that lately. Will this be fun? Hell yeah. I think it will.
The truth is that I won't have many who see the wisdom of my words and that's ok. As my title says. I shall stand against the waves. I shall not be swept away. Those who know me, shall know that I will not back do. So let the insanity begin.
I know most think that this will be similar to my Technocolored Padded Cell blog that is on Myspace. No this will not be as cheery or informative. This is a bit more controversial (As if I have not been that way enough) and a bit more on the darkside of things. From porn to politics. Love to Spermcidal Genocide (if you have to know what that is...don't ask *blink*)
And the thing is that most my views will pretty much annoy some, piss of several and let's face it, I will more likely have many up in arms. But that's what I want. But even so, there may be one who shall see the logic and wisdom of my words. And in so, I have converted just one to the truth; then I have accomplished my mission and this blog will have been worth the effort.
There may be a few of my insane "anti-motivational" moments that I could not post on any of the more g-rated sites. I have several that could not be posted due to some folks who want to nag nag nag. Fuck'em and feed them fishheads.
Will I make enemies? Absolutly. I'm a villain, it's my job. Will I make some think? I sincerely hope so. There has been an enormous lack of that lately. Will this be fun? Hell yeah. I think it will.
The truth is that I won't have many who see the wisdom of my words and that's ok. As my title says. I shall stand against the waves. I shall not be swept away. Those who know me, shall know that I will not back do. So let the insanity begin.
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